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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The average weight of hemoglobin in red blood cells in a sample is known as the:
A)mean weight hemoglobin
B)average weight hemoglobin
C)mean cell volume
D)mean cell hemoglobin
A condition in which the red blood cells assume a spherical shape is known as:
Which of the following is the appropriate method for checking the validity of the erythrocyte indices?
A)Observing the appearance of the red blood cells on a stained blood smear
B)Measuring the indices manually
C)Rechecking the calculations with a scientific calculator
D)Sending the sample to a reference laboratory for analysis
The MCHC is the:
A)average hematocrit
B)average concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red cells
C)mean concentration of red blood cells packed in a vertical tube
D)average size of the red blood cell in a given volume
The MCH is the abbreviation for which of the following?
A)Mean cell hematocrit
B)Mean cell hemoglobin
C)Mean concentration of hemoglobin
D)Mean concentration of hematocrits
Which of the following best describes the MCHC?
A)The MCHC represents the color of the red blood cells
B)The MCHC represents the size of the red blood cell
C)The MCHC represents the packed cell volume of red blood cells
D)The MCHC represents the number of red blood cells in millions per cubic millimeter
When all three indices are markedly elevated, the cause may be:
A)iron deficiency anemia
B)autoagglutination of red blood cells
C)vitamin B12 deficiency
D)pernicious anemia
Which of the following would NOT be a source of error in a direct platelet count?
A)Improper dilution of the sample
B)Overfilling the hematocytometer
C)Incorrect calculations
D)Checking the platelet count with a stained blood smear
The sedimentation rate is a valuable diagnostic lab test for:
A)inflammatory disease
B)bacterial infection
D)vitamin deficiency
Reticulocytes are stained with:
A)Gram stain
C)supravital stain
D)Wright's stain

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