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EOC Exercises - Acquiring Knowledge
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Explain why you must be careful when focusing the oil immersion objective.
Name the type of compound microscope that has two oculars (eyepieces) and is therefore less tiring and preferred for lengthy viewing of specimens.
Where is the lens magnification system of the compound microscope mounted?
What result is obtained when the power of the objective you are using is multiplied by the power of the eyepiece of the microscope?
In order to receive the best-quality and best-fitting replacements, what specification should you include when ordering light bulbs and other replacements for the microscope?
What is the total magnification of a red cell in a urine specimen viewed under a l0X ocular and a 40X high dry objective?
Staining a specimen allows you to distinguish the details more clearly. Name the two qualities that staining enhances.
When you view a prepared slide under the microscope, how many layers can you see clearly with distinct details?
When you focus a slide under the microscope, why should you alternate between looking through the oculars and looking at the objectives from the side of the microscope?
What is the technical term for the hole in the microscope stage that permits light to pass from the condenser to the objective?
When using the microscope, you must always be aware of the space between the objective and specimen in order to prevent damage to the objective. What term describes this space?
Which focus adjustment knob should you use to begin the focusing process?
Which focus adjustment knob should you always use finally to adjust the details of a fuzzy focus?
Which focus adjustment knob should you always use to focus the oil-immersion lens?
What objective has a very short working distance and therefore requires the fine focus adjustment knob for focusing?
Why must you always use special lens paper for cleaning the microscope lenses instead of ordinary facial tissue?
How and when do you clean a microscope lens in order to keep the microscope in good order?
How and where should you store a microscope when it is not in use?

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