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EOC Exercises - Applying Knowledge, On the Job
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Melissa performs some blood cell differential counts under the oil-immersion objective of the laboratory's binocular microscope. She has to leave the microscope, and while she is gone, Susan (a coworker) views urines under the l0X and 40X objectives. When Melissa tries to resume her blood-cell differential work, she finds that she cannot bring one of the oculars into focus. What is the problem? How can it be solved?
LaTasha looks over the service records of the microscope at the laboratory where she has begun work. The microscope does not focus well, and she finds that a professional has not inspected it for several years. What should she do?
Brenda observes that her coworker does not coverslip the urine-sediment specimen when she views it under the microscope. Is this practice acceptable? If not, what should Brenda do about it?
One of your coworkers has placed the POL's microscope next to the centrifuge and near the laboratory entrance for convenience. There is a sturdy table that would accommodate the microscope in the back of the laboratory. Should you mention this to your supervisor? Why or why not?
Your coworker, Jamie, is trying to focus the microscope onto a urine-sediment specimen, but all that she can see is a black hole down the oculars. What advice would you give Jamie?
In the laboratory where you work, a blood smear is focused under the oil immersion lens by a coworker. She asks you why the slide is dark with indistinct cells. What do you tell her?
Tim is counting and identifying the white blood cells on a stained blood smear under a microscope with a mechanical stage. Several of the white cells are abnormal, so he lays the slide aside until later, when the doctor will be in and can view them. When he reinserts the slide, he has to search for 10 minutes to find the blood cells that he had viewed before. How could Tim have found the cells quickly on the second viewing?
Maria, an employee in the laboratory, wipes the oculars of the microscope with her laboratory coat sleeve to clean them. She does not bother to clean the objectives between uses. What long-term effects will this type of care have on the microscope?

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