access levels | In electronic health records software, a security feature that limits access to information based on the type of information each user will need to view or modify.
acute care | Inpatient treatment for urgent problems.
administrative safeguards | Policies and procedures designed to protect electronic health information.
Administrative Simplification | HIPAA Title II rules on the uniform transfer of electronic health care data and privacy protection.
adverse drug event (ADE) | Side effect or complication from a medication.
adverse event | Patient harm resulting from health care treatment.
ambulatory care | Treatment provided without admission to a hospital, on an outpatient basis.
antivirus software | Software that scans for viruses and attempts to remove them.
application service provider (ASP) | An electronic health record model in which software and data are housed on an external company's servers or off-site from a medical practice, as opposed to a locally hosted model.
audit trails | Records of who has accessed a computer or network and the operations performed.
authentication | Confirmation of the identity of a computer user.
authorization | Permission to use and disclose information for uses other than TPO.
availability | Accessibility of systems for delivering, storing, and processing electronic protected health information.
business associates | Entity that works under a contract for a covered entity and is therefore subject to the CE's HIPAA policies and procedures.
chronic diseases | Prolonged conditions that rarely improve and often cannot be cured.
classification systems | Software systems that organize related terms into categories.
clearinghouses | Companies that process health information and execute electronic transactions.
clients | Computers that access a server through a network.
clinical guidelines | Recommended patient care based on the best available scientific evidence.
clinical templates | Structured progress notes that document patient encounters in an EHR.
clinical vocabularies | Common definitions of medical terms that minimize ambiguity.
computer-assisted coding | Software that automates part of the coding process.
computerized physician order entry (CPOE) | Application for health care providers to enter patient care orders.
confidentiality | Sharing of electronic PHI among authorized individuals or organizations only.
consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) | Health plans with high deductibles, low premiums, and tax-free savings accounts.
content standards | Standards that specify the functional content of an information system.
continuity of care | Delivery of appropriate and consistent care over time.
covered entities (CEs) | Professionals and organizations that normally provide health care and electronically transmit PHI.
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) | A coding classification system maintained by the American Medical Association for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians.
dashboard | A feature in Practice Partner that offers providers a convenient view of important information at a glance.
decision-support tool | Computer based program that make the latest clinical information available.
de-identified health information | Information that neither identifies nor provides a basis to identify an individual.
designated record set (DRS) | Information that includes PHI and is maintained by a covered entity.
desktop computer | Fixed, hardwired computer.
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) | Standards that enable electronic information exchange between imaging systems.
disclosure | Release of PHI to an outside provider or organization.
disease management (DM) | Systematic approach to improving health care for people with chronic diseases.
electronic health record (EHR) | A computerized lifelong health care record with data from all sources.
electronic medication administration records (e-MARs) | Electronic log with information about a medication order that enables electronic tracking of medication administration at the bedside.
electronic medical record (EMR) | A computerized record of one physician's encounters with a patient over time.
electronic prescribing | A computer based communication system that transmits prescriptions electronically.
electronic protected health information (ePHI) | PHI created, received, maintained, or transmitted in electronic form.
encryption | Process of converting data into an unreadable format.
evidence-based medicine | Medical care based on the latest and most accurate clinical research.
evaluation and management codes (E/M codes) | Procedure codes that are used to represent the processes a physician performs in determining the best course of treatment for a patient.
firewall | A software tool that examines traffic entering and leaving a computer network.
five rights | Five safety rules followed during the administration of medication—1. right patient; 2. right medication; 3. right dose; 4. right time; 5. right route of administration.
formulary | Pharmaceutical products and dosages deemed the best, most economical treatments.
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), Level II | Classification codes for products, supplies, and certain services not included in Current Procedural Terminology (CPT).
health information exchange | An electronic network that securely moves clinical information among a variety of health information systems.
health information technology (HIT) | Technology that is used to record, store, and manage patient health care information.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) | Federal legislation the main purpose of which is to protect patient's private health information, ensure continuation of health care coverage, and uncover fraud and abuse.
Health Level Seven (HL7) | An electronic messaging standard used to send data from one application to another.
health plan | Insurance plan that provides or pays for medical care.
HIPAA Privacy Rule | HIPAA rule that provides protection for individually identifiable health information.
HIPAA Security Rule | HIPAA rule that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic health information.
hybrid conversions | Paper to electronic document conversion process that combines approaches.
incremental conversion | Gradual paper to electronic document conversion process.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1073 (IEEE1073) | A standard developed to provide communication among medical devices at a patient's bedside.
integrity | Authenticity, completeness, and reliability of electronic PHI.
International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification | Internationally accepted rules for selecting and sequencing diagnosis codes in both the inpatient and the outpatient environments; standards that categorize diseases.
interoperable | Able to exchange electronic information and use the information in a meaningful way.
intrusion detection system (IDS) | A software tool that provides surveillance of a computer network.
laptop computer | Fully functioning portable computer.
locally hosted | EHR model in which hardware and software are housed onsite in a medical practice.
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | Universal terms and codes for electronic exchange of laboratory results and clinical observations.
Lookup | A feature in Practice Partner that provides different search options for locating a patient's record.
medical error | Adverse medical event that could have been prevented, such as an incorrectly filled prescription, a surgical mistake, and so on.
medical record | Chronological record generated during a patient's treatment.
Medicare Part D | Voluntary prescription drug benefit plan under Medicare.
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) | Federal legislation creating a prescription drug benefit plan that encourages electronic prescribing.
medication administration record (MAR) | Log with information about a medication order.
medication reconciliation | Process of obtaining and updating an accurate list of all of a patient's medications.
messaging standards | Electronic standards that allow data transfer to an electronic health record system.
minimum necessary standard | Required safeguards to protect PHI from being accidentally released.
National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) | Code sets or standards for exchanging prescription information in the retail pharmacy environment.
Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) | Nationwide computer network facilitating the exchange of health care information.
network | Equipment that enables computers to exchange information electronically.
networked personal health record | PHR that transfers information to and from multiple health information systems.
Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) | Document describing practices regarding use and disclosure of PHI.
order sets | Predefined groupings of standard orders for a condition, disease, or procedure.
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) | The organization that serves as the recognized certification authority for electronic health records (EHR) and their networks.
outsourcing | The process of an organization contracting with an outside company for completion of all or part of a job.
passwords | Codes for gaining access to information on a computer or network.
patient portal | Website that allows patients to interact with provider or facility.
pay for performance (P4P) | The use of financial incentives to improve health care quality and efficiency.
personal digital assistants (PDA) | Handheld computer devices used to search for information, write prescriptions, and handle e-mail.
personal health record (PHR) | An individual's comprehensive record of health information.
physical safeguards | Mechanisms to protect electronic systems, equipment, and data.
picture archiving and communication system (PACS) | Electronic image management system.
point-of-care | Setting in which a physician makes decisions about a patient's illness and treatment.
progress notes | Notes about a patient's medical condition that are made during or after a physician-patient encounter.
protected health information (PHI) | Individually identifiable health information transmitted or maintained by electronic media.
providers | People or organizations that furnish, bill, or are paid for health care in the normal course of business.
regional health information organization (RHIO) | A group of health care organizations that share information.
role-based authorization | A tool that limits access to patient information based on the user's organizational role.
scanning | Method for electronically capturing text and images from paper documents.
server | Powerful computer that houses software applications and data.
SOAP | A widely used format for documenting patient encounters. It stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.
standards | A set of commonly agreed on specifications.
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) | Internationally recognized comprehensive clinical vocabulary of all terms used in medicine.
tablet computer | Portable computer with built-in handwriting and voice recognition software.
technical safeguards | Automated processes to protect and control access to data.
tethered | Information system attached to another information system.
total conversion | Paper to electronic document conversion method by an external company.
transition points | Times when patients move from one setting to another.
treatment, payment, and operations (TPO) | Conditions under which PHI can be released without patient consent.
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) | Major thesaurus database of medical terms.
untethered | Information system not connected to another information system.
voice recognition | Method of entering information via a microphone connected to a computer.
Web View | A feature in Practice Partner that allows patients to view certain information from their chart via the Internet.
wired network | Network in which computers are connected via Ethernet cable.
wireless network | Network in which computers access servers without cables.
workstations | Hardware devices used to access the electronic health record and other software.