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Tutorials and Activities
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During a Tutorial, you do not press any keys or use the mouse; you watch the animation and learn how to perform the function. Throughout each Tutorial, green text boxes will appear which describe the actions performed. After the text box appears, the program will perform that action.


During an Activity, you will be required to perform the keyboard and mouse movements necessary to answer the questions that follow each Your Turn Exercise in Chapter 7 of your textbook. The Activity animation will not advance until you press a key or click a mouse button.

In each Activity, the program waits for you to interact by pressing a key, or a button on the mouse. Approximately six seconds into every Activity, a Hint button appears at the top right section of the window. The hint provides information to help you perform the required action on that screen.

To view the hint, move your mouse so it is over some part of the Hint button. Do not click the mouse button. When the cursor is over the Hint button, a text box with a hint appears. When you move the mouse off of the Hint button, the text box disappears.

Exercise 1: Using the Lookup Feature
Tutorial 1 (363.0K)Find out patient Richard Stein’s date of birth.
Activity 1 (347.0K)Find out patient Joe L. Brown’s date of birth, and answer the questions on page 214 of the textbook.

Exercise 2: Open a Patient Chart
Tutorial 2 (473.0K)Open Joe Brown’s chart.
Activity 2 (454.0K)Open Richard Stein’s chart, and answer the questions on page 215 of the textbook.

Exercise 3: Review a Progress Note
Tutorial 3 (626.0K)Open Margaret Smith’s most recent progress note.
Activity 3 (598.0K)Open Sam Tanner’s most recent progress note, and answer the questions on page 220 of the textbook.

Exercise 4: Review a Patient’s Family History
Tutorial 4 (495.0K)Review Margaret Smith’s family history.
Activity 4 (551.0K)Review Richard Stein’s family history, and answer the questions on page 221 of the textbook.

Exercise 5: Enter an Order for Blood Work
Tutorial 5 (630.0K)Enter orders for a Blood Culture [Routine/SBE] and a Group B Strep Culture (under the Microbiology heading) for patient Joe Brown.
Activity 5 (574.0K)Enter an order for an Anemia Panel (under the Hematology heading) for patient Margaret Smith and answer the questions on page 223 of the textbook.

Exercise 6: Checking a Patient’s Health Maintenance
Tutorial 6 (511.0K)Review Richard Stein’s health maintenance record.
Activity 6 (489.0K)Review Margaret Smith’s health maintenance record and answer the questions on page 224 of the textbook.

Exercise 7: Order a Medication
Tutorial 7 (712.0K)Create a new medication order for Joe Brown.
Activity 7 (694.0K)Create a new medication order for Margaret Smith and answer the questions on page 227 of the textbook.

Exercise 8: Enter a Patient’s Blood Pressure Reading
Tutorial 8 (643.0K)Enter blood pressure readings for Joe Brown.
Activity 8 (737.0K)Enter blood pressure readings for Margaret Smith and answer the questions on page 229 of the textbook.

Exercise 9: Review a Patient’s Test Results
Tutorial 9 (548.0K)Review Richard Stein’s lab results.
Activity 9 (513.0K)Review Margaret Smith’s lab results and answer the questions on page 230 of the textbook.

Exercise 10: Locate a Patient Education Article
Tutorial 10 (883.0K)Locate a patient education article on achilles tendon injury for Joe Brown.
Activity 10 (731.0K)Locate a patient education article on the hazards of smoking for Richard Stein and answer the questions on page 231 of the textbook.

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