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Chapter 1 PowerPoint presentation, slide 1-8, last bullet. The sentence should read:

* The larger the risk, the higher the risk premium, & the lower the firm's value.

Chapter 2, page 77, Question 14, Part C. The question should read:
c. When 2,000 units are produced and consumed, total consumer surplus is $_______, and total producer surplus is $_______.

Chapter 3, page 104. In the equation at the bottom of the page, the inequality sign should be greater than (>), not less than (<).

Chapter 4, page 135, shaded box. The P-Value on F should read:

Chapter 4, page 137, first paragraph. The last sentence should read:
The p-value for the F-statistic shows that the exact level of significance for the entire equation is 0.0006, or .06 percent (a 99.94 percent level of confidence).

Chapter 4, page 149, first shaded box. The P-Value on F should read:

Chapter 5, page 173, third paragraph. The third sentence should read:
Since M/Py does not change, the vertical intercept remains at A (100 units of Y).

Chapter 7, page 273. In the table in Illustration 7.3, the dollar sign before the first number under column (3) should be omitted as home sales are measured here as number of homes, not the dollar value of sales.

Chapter 11, page 407. The first full sentence should read:
Columns 7 and 8, respectively, show the loss if the firm produces 300 units (where P = SMC) and the loss if the firm produces nothing and loses its fixed cost.

Chapter 15, page 641. The fifth full sentence should read:
It is also possible that Congress will table OINC in 2008 and wait until 2009 to vote on it.

Answers the Technical Problems, page 703, Chapter 7 question 6b: The answer should read:
Q2008 = 73.71460 + 3.7621 (2008) = 7,628
Q2009 = 73.7146 + 3.7621 (2009) = 7,632

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