With each new edition of Managerial Economics, new Illustrations replace some older ones. While previous Illustrations are somewhat dated, many of them remain useful tools for teaching business decision making. We have included at this site Illustrations for the 4th, 5th and 6th Editions.
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4/e | Optimal Product Quality 3.1 | view
4/e | Optimally Allocating Advertising Expenditures 3.3 | view
4/e | High-Tech Market Experiments 7.1 | view
4/e | Could the West do Without South Africa's Minerals? 9.1 | view
4/e | Estimating Economies of Scale in the U.S. Airline Industry 11.1 | view
4/e | Perfect Competition in Financial Markets 12.1 | view
4/e | Advantages of Established Firms and Strategic Behavior 14.2 | view
4/e | The Advertising Dilemma: Recent Battles 15.3 | view
4/e | Firms Close Inefficient Plants 17.1 | view
5/e | First Chicago Shows Customer "How to Lose Wait" 7.1 | view
5/e | The Sometimes Impossible Task of Measuring Productivity 10.1 | view
5/e | Competition in Riverboat Gambling: A Case of Fool's Gold 13.2 | view
5/e | Credit as an Entry Barrier 15.2 | view
5/e | When is Price "Signaling" Really Price Fixing? 16.3 | view
5/e | Cannibalization by Saturn Concerns General Motors Corporation 18.2 | view
5/e | Do Income Taxes Affect Managerial Decision-Making? 20.1 | view
6/e | What Is the Value of a Firm? 1.2 | view
6/e | Effects of Changes in Determinants of Demand on Price and Sales 2.1 | view
6/e | Some Perils of Image Advertising 6.3 | view
6/e | For Perfect Competitors a Boom Can Be a Dangerous Thing 12.3 | view
6/e | Are the Giants Subject to the Ups and Downs of the Markets? 12.4 | view
6/e | What Is the Definition of the Toy Market? 14.1 | view
6/e | Competition by Doing the Right Thing 15.1 | view
6/e | A Diamond (cartel) Is (not necessarily) Forever 15.4 | view
8/e | Do Profits Matter in the Information Age? 1.5 | View
8/e | For Sale by Owner: One Kidney, Like-New
Condition . . .2.2 | View
8/e | Are Hybrid Gasoline-Electric Cars Optimal? 3.2 | View
8/e | How Confident Is "Confident Enough"? 4.1 | View
8/e | Econometric Forecasters Profit by Watching the Weather 7.4 | View