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Review the image(s) and answer the following questions.

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Examining the numbers of pea plants that Mendel counted, it is obvious that none of the ratios of the F2 generations were exactly 3:1. Why not?
A)There is a certain amount of random variation that enters into the process of meiosis.
B)Mendel made errors while counting, since no calculators were available at the time.
C)Peas have a high mortality rate associated with recessive alleles.
D)All of these are correct.
Which of these statements is true regarding Mendel's experimental results?
A)Mendel repeated experiments conducted the century before.
B)Mendel disproved the notion of the blending of inherited characteristics.
C)Mendel was very famous in his day because of his research.
D)All of these are true.

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What is the purpose of performing a testcross?
A)to see whether crosses between two closely related species are viable
B)to determine the phenotype of the offspring
C)to determine the genotype of the unknown parent
D)to determine linkage patterns
Choose the statement that is correct regarding testcrosses.
A)Testcrosses can only be performed on single traits (monohybrid crosses).
B)Testcrosses are performed on plants and not animals.
C)Testcrosses are performed using a homozygous dominant for a trait.
D)Testcrosses are performed using a homozygous recessive for a single or multiple traits.

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Does crossing two plants, each heterozygous for two traits, always produce a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 in the offspring?
A)Yes, unless there are linked genes, incomplete dominance, or, in animals, sex chromosomes involved.
B)Yes, regardless of the situation.
C)No, because the results of each cross are completely random.
D)None of these is correct.
With what would the researcher need to cross the F1 generation in order to yield a 1:1:1:1 phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation?
A)a pea plant heterozygous for both traits
B)a pea plant homozygous recessive for one trait, heterozygous for the other
C)a pea plant homozygous recessive for both traits
D)None of the above.

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Why is there such a variation in height among any human population, as illustrated by this graph?
A)Height is controlled by many genes, which add variation to height of individuals within a population.
B)Nutrition plays a role in the height that is attained; those with poorer nutrition tend to be shorter in stature.
C)Both of the above are true.
D)Neither of the above are true.
This graph shows a continuous variation in the height of a specific population at Connecticut Agricultural College in 1914. Why are the extremes much rarer than the intermediate heights?
A)Extra short and extra tall genes tend to be lethal.
B)Extra short and extra tall people are due to hormonal imbalances that occur infrequently in a population.
C)Individuals on the short and tall end of the distribution are due primarily to random variation.
D)Students that were too short or too tall were not accepted at this college during this era.

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What is the explanation for the pattern of inheritance shown in this diagram of crosses of Japanese four-o'clocks?
A)This pattern of inheritance shows codominance in flower color genes.
B)This pattern of inheritance is typical of multiple alleles.
C)This pattern of inheritance shows a high level of mutation, with new colors occurring in each new generation.
D)This pattern of inheritance shows incomplete dominance in flower color.
Why is the inheritance of flower color in this example not an instance of codominance?
A)In codominance, both genes are expressed equally, showing both traits; incomplete dominance shows a blending of traits.
B)Flower colors always blend, and produce intermediates with each generation.
C)Several pairs of genes are involved here and thus produce intermediate color patterns; codominance would produce multicolored flowers.
D)This is an example of codominance; codominance and incomplete dominance are essentially the same.

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A woman with blood type AB has a child with blood type B. She claims Harry is the child's father, but he denies this. Harry's blood type is O. Could he be the father of this child?
A)No, with blood type O, Harry could not produce a child with type A.
B)Yes, Harry could donate the i allele, which paired with the IA allele of the mother could produce a child with blood type A, although this does not prove Harry is the father.
C)No, the child from these two parents would have AB blood, since A and B are codominant and O is recessive.
D)It is impossible to tell from the information given whether or not Harry could be the father.
What do the ABO blood group genes tell us about the number of alleles possible at one gene locus?
A)An individual may have more than two alleles at a locus.
B)Populations and individuals can have an infinite number of alleles at a given locus.
C)There may be more than two alleles at one locus within a population, although an individual can only have two alleles at one locus.
D)All of these are correct.

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