1 |  |  Describe the biological meaning of the word evolution. |
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2 |  |  Why has Lamarck’s theory been rejected? |
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3 |  |  List five assumptions about the nature of living things that support the concept of evolution by natural selection. |
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4 |  |  Define natural selection. |
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5 |  |  What is fitness and how is it related to reproduction? |
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6 |  |  Why are acquired characteristics of little interest to evolutionary biologists? |
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7 |  |  In what way are the phrases “survival of the fittest” and “struggle for existence” correct? In what ways are they misleading? |
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8 |  |  What factors can contribute to diversity in the gene pool? |
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9 |  |  Why is over-reproduction necessary for evolution? |
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10 |  |  Why is sexual reproduction important to the process of natural selection? |
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11 |  |  How might a harmful allele remain in a gene pool for generations without being eliminated by natural selection? |
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12 |  |  List three factors that can lead to changed gene frequencies from one generation to the next. |
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13 |  |  Give two examples of selecting agents and explain how they operate. |
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14 |  |  Distinguish among stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection. |
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15 |  |  Why is genetic drift more likely in small populations? |
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16 |  |  Give an example of genetic drift. |
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17 |  |  A gene pool has equal numbers of alleles B and b. Half of the B alleles mutate to b alleles in the original generation. What will the allele frequencies be in the next generation? |
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18 |  |  The Hardy-Weinberg concept is only theoretical. What factors do not allow it to operate in a natural gene pool? |
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19 |  |  The smaller the population, the more likely it is that random changes will influence gene frequencies. Why is this true? |
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20 |  |  Why is each of the following important for an understanding of evolution: mutation, migration, sexual reproduction, selective agents, and population size? |
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