1 |  |  Endocrine glands differ from exocrine glands in that |
|  | A) | the endocrine glands empty their products into ducts. |
|  | B) | the exocrine glands are responsible for communicating with the nervous system. |
|  | C) | the endocrine glands produce the hormones. |
|  | D) | None of the above. |
2 |  |  A major difference between axons and dendrites is that axons |
|  | A) | are found in the central nervous system, while dendrites are found in the peripheral nervous system. |
|  | B) | carry messages away from the nerve cell body, while dendrites carry messages toward the nerve cell body. |
|  | C) | are parts of motor neurons, while dendrites are found exclusively on sensory neurons. |
|  | D) | function in initiating the action, while dendrites function in maintaining the action. |
3 |  |  Which of the following statements is/are true about nerve impulses? |
|  | A) | A nerve impulse involves sodium ions (Na+) flowing into the nerve cell. |
|  | B) | Nerve impulses involve the depolarization and repolarization of a cell membrane. |
|  | C) | Neurotransmitters carry the impulse message from one cell to another. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
4 |  |  At the base of the brain where the spinal cord enters the skull is a portion of the brain known as the |
|  | A) | medulla oblongata. |
|  | B) | cerebellum. |
|  | C) | pons. |
|  | D) | cerebrum. |
5 |  |  Cells that receive endocrine messages typically respond in which of the following ways? |
|  | A) | These cells release products that have been previously manufactured. |
|  | B) | These cells may begin to synthesize new molecules. |
|  | C) | These cells may divide and grow. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
6 |  |  The thalamus of the brain is involved in |
|  | A) | thinking and reasoning. |
|  | B) | balance. |
|  | C) | determining pleasant and unpleasant stimuli. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
7 |  |  Thyroid stimulating hormone causes the thyroid to produce thyroxine. Thyroxine inhibits the release of thyroid stimulating hormone. This is an example of |
|  | A) | negative-feedback control. |
|  | B) | positive-feedback control. |
|  | C) | regulatory interference. |
|  | D) | synaptic regulation. |
8 |  |  Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? |
|  | A) | The sense organs detect changes in the environment. |
|  | B) | The brain is responsible for perception of the environmental stimulus. |
|  | C) | All cells have chemical receptors that bind to stimuli molecules. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
9 |  |  Taste sensors on the tongue, palate, and throat |
|  | A) | respond to 100s of different chemicals. |
|  | B) | are of about 5 kinds. |
|  | C) | fatigue quickly. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
10 |  |  The cochlea is primarily responsible for |
|  | A) | transmitting sound waves to the tympanum. |
|  | B) | housing the basilar membrane and thus transmitting sound to the brain. |
|  | C) | maintaining balance and posture. |
|  | D) | protecting the auditory tube and the bones of the middle ear. |
11 |  |  Touch receptors respond to |
|  | A) | pressure. |
|  | B) | temperature. |
|  | C) | pain. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
12 |  |  Which of the following statements is/are true about muscle contraction? |
|  | A) | Only skeletal muscle contracts. |
|  | B) | The primary ion involved in the actin/myosin interaction is calcium. |
|  | C) | Smooth muscles relax in response to being stretched. |
|  | D) | Skeletal muscles can remain contracted for extended periods of time. |
13 |  |  Self-stimulation, an ability to stay contracted, and a required period of relaxation between contractions are characteristics of |
|  | A) | skeletal muscle. |
|  | B) | smooth muscle. |
|  | C) | cardiac muscle. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
14 |  |  The nervous system and the endocrine system are related, as demonstrated by |
|  | A) | the length of day influencing the development of reproductive organs in some animals. |
|  | B) | the hypothalamus, which is a portion of the brain, is directly connected to the pituitary gland. |
|  | C) | stress leading to alterations in the menstrual cycle of women. |
|  | D) | All of the above. |
15 |  |  A motor unit is |
|  | A) | all of the muscles involved in a particular activity like throwing a ball. |
|  | B) | all the nerves that stimulate a muscle. |
|  | C) | all of the muscle fibers stimulated by a single nerve cell. |
|  | D) | None of the above. |
16 |  |  At night which one of the following is used? |
|  | A) | rods |
|  | B) | green cones |
|  | C) | red cones |
|  | D) | cochlea |
17 |  |  When muscles contract |
|  | A) | glycogen is synthesized. |
|  | B) | calcium is lost. |
|  | C) | ATP is produced. |
|  | D) | actin slides by myosin. |
18 |  |  Acetylcholine is destroyed by |
|  | A) | cholinesterase. |
|  | B) | endocrine glands. |
|  | C) | exocrine glands. |
|  | D) | axons. |
19 |  |  The source of growth stimulating hormone is |
|  | A) | adrenal gland. |
|  | B) | pituitary gland. |
|  | C) | testes. |
|  | D) | thyroid. |
20 |  |  A light stimulus is received by the nervous system which results in growth. This is the result of |
|  | A) | release of hormones from the thyroid. |
|  | B) | activating muscles. |
|  | C) | stimulating the endocrine system. |
|  | D) | increasing nervous activity. |
21 |  |  When a nerve cell is stimulated |
|  | A) | acetylcholine is destroyed. |
|  | B) | potassium ions enter the neuron. |
|  | C) | sodium ions enter the neuron. |
|  | D) | calcium attaches to the dendrites. |
22 |  |  Which one of the following is necessary for muscle contraction? |
|  | A) | calcium ions |
|  | B) | glucose |
|  | C) | testosterone |
|  | D) | fat |
23 |  |  When the temperature of a home falls below a set-point, the furnace produces heat. Once the home has reached the desired temperature, the furnace shuts off. As the home cools and again falls below the set-point the furnace will again produce heat. This cycle is similar to ________ that occurs in the human body. |
|  | A) | depolarization |
|  | B) | negative feedback control |
|  | C) | muscle contractions |
|  | D) | a synapse |
24 |  |  All of the following are characteristics of smooth muscle, EXCEPT |
|  | A) | contracts slowly. |
|  | B) | contracts when stretched. |
|  | C) | does not respond to nerve cells. |
|  | D) | can stay contracted for long periods. |
25 |  |  The central nervous system consists of the |
|  | A) | brain only. |
|  | B) | brain and spinal cord. |
|  | C) | brain, spinal cord, and nerves. |
|  | D) | motor neurons and sensory neurons. |
26 |  |  Olfactory senses detect |
|  | A) | about 5 kinds of molecules. |
|  | B) | the pH of molecules. |
|  | C) | specific molecules. |
|  | D) | None of the above. |
27 |  |  The ear bones are the |
|  | A) | malleus, incus, and stapes. |
|  | B) | tympanum and cochlea. |
|  | C) | rods and cones. |
|  | D) | fovea centralis and olfactory epithelium. |
28 |  |  The chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands are called |
|  | A) | enzymes. |
|  | B) | hormones. |
|  | C) | neurotransmitters. |
|  | D) | impulses. |
29 |  |  Which of the following is NOT part of a nerve cell? |
|  | A) | dendrites |
|  | B) | soma |
|  | C) | axon |
|  | D) | myosin |
30 |  |  The process of maintaining a constant internal environment is called |
|  | A) | environmental control. |
|  | B) | systemic integrity. |
|  | C) | homeostasis. |
|  | D) | None of the above. |
31 |  |  ___________ is a kind of regulatory mechanism in which an increase in the stimulus causes a reduction of the response. |
|  | A) | Negative-feedback control |
|  | B) | Positive-feedback control |
|  | C) | Balanced feedback |
|  | D) | Neuronal feedback |
32 |  |  Ways the body can defend itself that require no previous contact with the harmful agent are called |
|  | A) | specific immunity. |
|  | B) | nonspecific Defenses. |
|  | C) | t-cell immunity. |
|  | D) | b-cell immunity. |
33 |  |  When a portion of the skin shows increased temperature, redness, swelling, and pain, it is an indication of |
|  | A) | autoimmune disease. |
|  | B) | immunodeficiency disease. |
|  | C) | inflammation. |
|  | D) | All of the above are correct. |
34 |  |  A protein made by the B-cells in response to a potentially harmful molecule is a(an) |
|  | A) | antigen. |
|  | B) | antibody. |
|  | C) | t-cell. |
|  | D) | IgG. |
35 |  |  A vaccine contains |
|  | A) | antigens. |
|  | B) | antibodies. |
|  | C) | hormones. |
|  | D) | All of the above are correct. |
36 |  |  ___________ are formed in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus gland, and are able to attack cells infected with viruses. |
|  | A) | A-cells |
|  | B) | B-cells |
|  | C) | T-lymphocytes |
|  | D) | B-lymphocytes |