1 |  |  What is a gene? |
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2 |  |  What is the product of transcription? Translation? |
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3 |  |  What is the base paring rule? |
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4 |  |  Why is DNA replication necessary? |
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5 |  |  What factors stabilize the DNA double helix? |
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6 |  |  What role does RNA play in the cell? |
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7 |  |  What are the three differences between DNA and RNA? |
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8 |  |  How does the manufacture of an RNA molecule differ from DNA replication? |
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9 |  |  If a DNA nucleotide sequence is TACAAAGCA, what is the mRNA nucleotide sequence that would base-pair with it? |
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10 |  |  What amino acids would occur in the protein chemically coded by the sequence of nucleotides in question 9? |
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11 |  |  How do tRNA, rRNA, and mRNA differ in function? |
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12 |  |  What are the differences among a promoter sequence, termination sequence, and release factor? |
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13 |  |  List the sequence of events that takes place when a DNA message is translated into protein. |
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14 |  |  Provide two examples of how a cell uses transcription to control gene expression. |
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15 |  |  Provide an example of why it is advantageous for a cell to control gene expression. |
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16 |  |  Both chromosomal and point mutations occur in DNA. In what ways do they differ? |
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17 |  |  What is a silent mutation? Provide an example. |
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