1 |  |  It is the journalist, among all professionals, (a) whose (b) who's task is to challenge power, the dean of the Mallory College Journalism Department said last night. |
|  | A) | whose |
|  | B) | who's |
2 |  |  "Journalists must be able to feel the (a) effects (b) affects of authority," said Herbert Blitzer. |
|  | A) | effects |
|  | B) | affects |
3 |  |  "They must dig deeply behind the actions of individuals in power and the (a) blocs (b) blocks they form to achieve their political and economic ends." Blitzer spoke at the annual Journalism Media Day at which outstanding editors and students are recognized. Martha Ratcliffe, a journalism senior from Freeport, was recognized as the outstanding student by the department, and Franklin Truman Pierce, editor of the Mt. Pleasant Gazette received the Editor of the Year Award. |
|  | A) | blocs |
|  | B) | blocks |
4 |  |  In his talk, Blitzer (a) eluded (b) alluded to the intense coverage of murders and entertainers. |
|  | A) | eluded |
|  | B) | alluded |
5 |  |  "We have an entertainment-driven media, intent on (a) pedalling (b) peddling crime and sex, when journalists should (a) marshall (b) marshal their forces to investigate concentrations of power that result in more children in poverty here in this rich nation (a) than (b) then in any industrialized nation in the world." |
|  | A) | pedaling |
|  | B) | peddling |
6 |  |  "We have an entertainment-driven media, intent on (a) pedalling (b) peddling crime and sex, when journalists should (a) marshall (b) marshal their forces to investigate concentrations of power that result in more children in poverty here in this rich nation (a) than (b) then in any industrialized nation in the world." |
|  | A) | marshall |
|  | B) | marshal |
7 |  |  "We have an entertainment-driven media, intent on (a) pedalling (b) peddling crime and sex, when journalists should (a) marshall (b) marshal their forces to investigate concentrations of power that result in more children in poverty here in this rich nation (a) than (b) then in any industrialized nation in the world." |
|  | A) | than |
|  | B) | then |
8 |  |  He said (a) its (b) it's the obligation of journalists to gather facts "that tell us something of the reality of the lives Americans lead." |
|  | A) | its |
|  | B) | it's |
9 |  |  He said journalists should adhere to (a) principals (b) principles "that have guided those who have practiced public service journalism." |
|  | A) | principals |
|  | B) | principles |
10 |  |  In accepting his award, Pierce said that journalists cannot (a) avert (b) avoid setting agendas for their communities. |
|  | A) | avert |
|  | B) | avoid |
11 |  |  He said too many journalists are followers of trends. "I call this (a) hoard (b) horde journalism," he said. |
|  | A) | hoard |
|  | B) | horde |
12 |  |  "I (a) council (b) counsel all of you who would become journalists to be independent thinkers." |
|  | A) | council |
|  | B) | counsel |