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Check facts in the following material that seem to need verification or that you would ordinarily check. Some material is accurate, some inaccurate. - TEGUCIGALPA, El Salvador— Nicaraguan families streamed across the border this past week to avoid their sons' conscription in the armed forces, government officials reported today.
- Boston University, a Catholic institution, today reported it would increase tuition by 15 percent.
- The first civil rights bill for blacks since Reconstruction was approved by Congress in 1957. The bill was designed to protect the rights of black voters.
- How-to books and advice on how to make money and how to lead a successful sex life dominate the best-seller lists.
- After the record drop in the New York Stock Exchange, police held a suicide watch on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, from which many ruined investors leapt after the market crash of 1929.
- Proctor & Gamble Co. is the subject of a new book published by Simon and Schuster.
- The study asked 200 students their opinions of the quality of teaching. The result — 55 percent said it was unsatisfactory — was a clear-cut victory for students who are seeking to put an end to the system of tenure.
- From an article about Ray Bradbury, the author: Bradbury began writing at an early age and had his first success in the pulp magazines with short stories. His first story was published in 1940.
- "No one cares to hear what Hogan calls the short and simple scandals iv the poor," Finley Peter Dunne wrote in his Chicago newspaper column.
- In 1934, Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the banks closed to prevent their being bankrupted by worried depositors.