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A. Issue

     Select an issue of national, regional or local significance that is before the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives and write to one or more of the senators or the congressperson from your area asking for his or her opinion on the matter.
     Your letter should include specific questions. Base the questions on research, and include this background material in the article you write about the response you receive.


B. Barometers

     Interview city officials and businesspeople about data they use to measure the community's economic health. Some of these figures include bank clearings, sales tax receipts, building permits, unemployment payments. Obtain the most recent data.
     What do these figures tell you about present economic conditions?


C. Feet

     A San Diego podiatrist, Brian A. Rothbart, is quoted in a wire service story from that city as saying that, although long distance runners may have the cardiovascular fitness of teen-agers, they have the feet of old men. "Runners are putting more stress on their feet in one year than the average person does in 10 years," he said. "I can look at a runner who is 20 and who is in superb condition, except for his feet, which are those of a 60-year-old." He suggests runners practice on sawdust tracks, sand or grass. Concrete can be a foot killer, he said. Athletes may suffer mild to serious injuries of the foot, he said.
     Interview joggers about their foot problems. Interview the runners at the local college or university about their foot problems. How do they practice? Is there a team podiatrist? What is the track coach's attitude?


D. Payroll

     Make a study of the number of people on public payrolls, city, county or state, whichever is most accessible to you. How many are there now compared with last year and five years ago?
     How many are appointive, civil service or merit system employees? What is the total cost of public employees in salaries, retirement, other benefits?
     Obtain comments from the heads of various bureaus, departments and agencies whose payrolls have increased or decreased the most sharply. What are the reasons?


E. Sterile

     The president of the California Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. Dan R. Evans, advocates birth control for animals, a wire service story datelined Escondido, Calif., reports. He says there is an overpopulation of dogs and cats, and the result is that each year more and more animals are destroyed by humane societies. He says researchers are working on a sterilization drug, necessary because most people cannot pay to have their pets neutered.
     Do a local follow-up. Does your city or county veterinary group have a voluntary sterilization program, as Dr. Evans says his county does? Is there a pet overpopulation in your area? Consult the humane society, the dog shelter, police, veterinaries, citizens. How many pets are destroyed each year? The exact figures are available, if you can dig them out.

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