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A. Standouts

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     Choose one person from among the following journalists for a short profile for your newspaper's annual salute to journalists during Newspaper Week.

Paul Y. Anderson
Nellie Bly
O.K. Bovard
Hodding Carter
Elmer Davis
Ralph McGill
Edward R. Murrow
Eugene Patterson
Hazel Brannon Smith
Lincoln Steffens
Ida M. Tarbell
I.F. Stone
Ida B. Wells

B. Contribution

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     Here are the names of some contributors to journalism history. Select an individual and write a profile for the Sunday feature: Names from the Past.

James Gordon Bennett
Benjamin H. Day
Frederick Douglass
Horace Greeley
William Randolph Hearst
John Knight
Henry Luce
Elijah P. Lovejoy
William Paley
Joseph Pulitzer
David Sarnoff
Oswald Garrison Villard
John Peter Zenger

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