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A. Priorities   Social scientists at Mallory College took a poll of student opinions last semester and the results were released today. The results were compared with a similar poll taken 30 years ago. Professor Margot Adler, head of the Department of Sociology, announced the results. In both polls, 600 students were questioned.   In addition to the information that follows, she says that 30 years ago 32 percent of those polled were interested in a political revolution; the figure last semester was 23 percent. Thirty years ago, 32 percent of those polled felt a religious commitment was important; last semester, the figure was 38 percent. One area remained unchanged: the importance of love relationships. The figure was 92 percent for both years.   Administrators have used the polls for clues about student attitudes and dissatisfaction. Write 350 to 450 words.  (1.0K) | (For more information about polling, see NRW Plus,More About Polls.) |
  Column A refers to the poll taken 30 years ago, B to last semester's poll. Personal Priorities | | Important | Unimportant | | A | B | A | B | High grades | 48% | 89% | 47% | 11% | Social service | 49% | 75% | 44% | 24% | Sports | 47% | 65% | 50% | 35% | Personal pleasures | 85% | 95% | 12% | 5% | Professional preparation | 63% | 81% | 33% | 19% | Entrepreneurship | 18% | 43% | 73% | 57% | Satisfying employment | 68% | 85% | 27% | 15% |
| Expectations of Mallory | | Expected | Actually Found | | A | B | A | B | Great teachers | 58% | 57% | 17% | 16% | Opportunity to become more humane | 20% | 12% | 19% | 10% | Prestige in outside world | 26% | 35% | 21% | 31% |
| Contributes to Overall Learning | | Contributes | Does Not Contribute | | A | B | A | B | Bull sessions | 79% | 60% | 16% | 19% | Personal contact with faculty | 53% | 37% | 36% | 44% |
| Sources of Frustration at Mallory | | Frustrated | Satisfied | | A | B | A | B | Immutability of system | 53% | 67% | 9% | 5% | Living arrangements | 36% | 26% | 52% | 59% | Personal grades | 30% | 34% | 45% | 45% | Competitive atmosphere | 35% | 59% | 21% | 20% | Financial aid | 22% | 34% | 31% | 26% | Extracurricular | 15% | 11% | 60% | 84% |
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B. Growth   The news office at Mallory College has released some figures in its annual report for the current academic year and for 10 years ago: | Now | 10 Years Ago | Students | 1,608 | 1,435 | Faculty | 118 | 105 | Holding doctorates | 86 | 52 | Buildings | 40 | 33 | Volumes in library | 325,000 | 245,000 | Annual operating budget | $9,709,000 | $4,695,000 | Endowment | Book value | $25,937,156 | $11,770,500 | Market value | $28,732,939 | $14,888,675 | Investment in plant | $17,348,159 | $11,274,100 | Total assets | $47,882,299 | $25,711,500 | Faculty salary scales | Instructor | $31,350–34,500 | $21,000–24,000 | Assistant professor | $33,870–37,650 | $22,000–27,350 | Associate professor | $39,250–49,460 | $23,500–30,450 | Professor | $51,800–72,750 | $31,250–46,150 | Student aid | Number assisted | 460 | 348 | Total awards | $1,179,000 | $650,000 | |
  The college president, Ruth Pitts Renaldi, described the report's findings as "a decade of progress," according to the press release accompanying the data. The release goes on, quoting Renaldi:   In every category, there is marked improvement. We have finally, through the addition of our science center, been able to improve our offerings in the physical sciences. Our library has grown considerably.   But it would be dangerous to rest on this growth. We are faced with ever-increasing demands on our plant. Our faculty salaries are not competitive with other small, high-quality liberal arts schools. We need more money for student aid to match our tuition increase from $12,500 10 years ago to $20,000 today.   I think that our first priority will have to be to raise funds for a library addition. I foresee a fund drive of $4,500,000.   This will be one of our major construction projects....  (1.0K) |   Your editor suggests that, in addition to using some of the data, you make calculations of your own to derive relevant information. Write 350 words for The Freeport News and 150 words for www.freenews.com. |