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Community Projects
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A. Broken

     What doesn't work in town? What do people complain about: traffic lights, potholes, traffic jams, poor city services, crowded schools, lack of certain kinds of stores, high prices, lack of opportunities for young people? See whether the complaints form a pattern.


B. Differences

     The lines that separate religions are no longer only those that differentiate Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Moslems. Religion is also divided by lines within religious traditions.
     Some Catholics believe in the infallibility of the Pope, but others do not. Several Protestant groups consider the Bible infallible, whereas others do not accept its literal meaning. Among Jews, the Orthodox have far stricter rules than those who belong to Reform synagogues.
     In your community, select a religious group and describe its agreements and differences with other groups in the same denomination. Write for the newspaper's religious column or for a broadcast feature.

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