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Which of the following is NOT an objective of Healthy People 2020?
A)Adults should perform muscle-strengthening activities once a week.
B)Reduce the portion of adults engaging in no leisure-time physical activity.
C)Adults should be physically active.
D)Adults should engage in 150 (moderate) or 75 (vigorous) minutes of aerobic activity weekly for health benefits.
Which of the following is NOT a health-related fitness component?
A)Muscular strength and endurance
B)Cardiovascular endurance
Which of the following is FALSE about exercise for fitness?
A)Cardiovascular exercise improves disease resistance and longevity.
B)Flexibility is important for improving range of motion and preventing injuries.
C)Resistance training will help strengthen bones, which may prevent osteoporosis.
D)Muscular strength is the most important component for heart health.
Which of the following activities uses a higher percentage of carbohydrates for fuel than the rest?
A)200 meter hurdles
B)Marathon run (26.2 miles)
C)10 k run
D)Weight training
Which of the following is a used to express exercise intensity?
A)RPE scale
B)Percentage of VO2max
D)All of these choices are correct

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