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Which of the following is a factor effecting the rate of aging?
A)Lifestyle choices and environment exposures
B)Gender and heredity
C)Chronic diseases
D)All of these choices are correct
Which of the following is not one of the 3 main points in the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for adult health?
A)Eat a variety of nutrient dense foods low in saturated and trans fats
B)Maintain a healthful body weight with balanced intake and expenditure
C)Double one's protein intake during the adult years
D)Practice safe food handling
Which of the following is not one of the 4 gender age groups for Adult DRIs?
A)31-50 years
B)18-22 years
C)51-70 years
D)Beyond 70 years
Which is the most common type of malnutrition during the adult years?
A)Protein deficiency
B)Iron deficiency
C)Calcium deficiency
D)Chromium deficiency
What happens to body composition at the age of 60?
A)Fat increases
B)Lean body mass decreases
C)Fat increases and lean body mass decreases
D)Fat decreases and lean body mass increases
What happens to the cardio respiratory system as adult's age?
A)An increase in the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen
B)An increase in caloric needs for organs involved in respiration
C)Exercising regularly increases aerobic capacity and increases HDL
D)Exercising regularly will decrease the HDL
What happens to the digestion system as adult's age?
A)Increase secretions of HCL and intrinsic factor that increases B12 absorption
B)Decline in liver function slows detoxification of alcohol and drugs
C)Increased secretions of digestive enzymes
D)Mega dosing on vitamins and minerals will improve functioning
Which of the following is benefit of maintaining lean muscle mass?
A)Keeping body fat low helps prevent Type 2 Diabetes
B)Maintains body water which helps prevent dehydration
C)Maintains basal metabolic which helps decrease the risk of obesity
D)All of these choices are correct
Diets of older persons tend to be low in _____.
C)Vitamin E
D)All of these choices are correct
What are 3 signs that an older person's health needs more attention?
A)Eating poorly, tooth loss, and multiple medications
B)Increased social interaction, reduced medications, and increased activity
C)Eating poorly, tooth loss, multiple medications, increased social interaction, reduced medications, and increased activity
D)None of these choices are correct
Which publicly funded program distributes, free of charge, surplus agricultural products to low-income households?
A)Food Stamp Program
B)Commodity Foods Program
C)Child and Adult Care Food Program
D)Congregate Meal Program
Which of the following herbs or hormones may have antibiotic properties and may lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure?
Which of the following is not a CAM (Complimentary and Alternative Medicine) category?
A)Biological treatments
B)Mind-body interventions
C)Cholesterol-lowing drugs
D)Energy Medicine
Which of the following is not a tip for preventing Alzheimer's disease?
A)Increase blood cholesterol levels
B)Getting enough omega 3 fatty acids
C)Vitamin C and Vitamin E
D)Regular physical activity
The decline in adult health often begins with which of the following?
A)Visible declining health
B)Decreased desire for self-care
C)Social isolation, possibly from the death of a spouse
D)Loss of interest in food

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