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What is the maximum lifespan of humans?
A)70-80 years
B)80-90 years
C)95-105 years
D)115-120 years
Which of the following is the fastest growing segment of the population?
A)40-55 years old
B)55-60 years old
C)55 year olds
D)Over 65 years old
Which is true about the nutrient needs of older adults?
A)Protein needs should not be excessive
B)Magnesium intakes are low
C)Vitamins D needs are higher as an older adult
D)All of these choices are correct
Which of the following psychological functions declines the least with age?
A)Muscle strength
B)Basal metabolic rate
C)Male bone mass
D)Blood output from heart
Which of the following is false about the hypotheses of aging?
A)Connective tissue stiffens
B)Error in copying the genetic blueprint
C)Low caloric intake speeds body breakdown
D)The immune system loses some efficiency

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