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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Compare food security and food insecurity and identify the factors that contribute to each.
  2. Discuss the effects of hunger and malnutrition and their impact on children.
  3. Describe U.S. government programs designed to increase food security.
  4. Describe organic food production, its regulation, and its potential benefits.
  5. Discuss the current and potential uses of genetically modified foods, along with concerns related to safety.
  6. Explain how food-preservation and -processing methods affect food availability.
  7. Describe the role of food additives in the food supply, along with how they are regulated.
  8. List the major causes of foodborne and waterborne illnesses in the U.S. and describe how consumers can reduce the risk of these illnesses.
  9. Describe common environmental contaminants (heavy metals, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics), their potential harmful effects, and how to reduce exposure to them.

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