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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Describe the basic chemical structure of fatty acids and explain how they are named.
  2. Explain the functions of triglycerides, fatty acids, phospholipids, and sterols in the body.
  3. Classify and evaluate the different fatty acids based on their health benefits or consequences.
  4. Identify food sources of triglycerides, fatty acids, phospholipids, and sterols.
  5. Discuss the recommended intake of lipids.
  6. Identify strategies for modifying total fat, saturated fat, and trans fat intake.
  7. Explain the digestion, absorption, and transport of lipids in the body.
  8. Discuss health concerns related to dietary fat intake.
  9. Describe dietary measures to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

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