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Where is the chief site of alcohol metabolism?
B)Small intestine
Which of the following is a pathway for alcohol metabolism?
A)Catalase pathway
D)All of theses choices are correct
Binge drinking, which increases the risk of alcohol poisoning, is defined by which of the following?
A)2 drinks for both males and females on a single occasion
B)4 or more drinks for females on a single occasion
C)4 or more drinks for males on a single occasion
D)5 drinks for both males and females on a single occasion
What would be the blood alcohol concentration be in a 140 pound woman who drank two 12-ounce beers?
A)BAC of .07
B)Legally Intoxicated
C)Safe Driving Limit
D)BAC of .10
Who is the largest alcohol drinking population in North America?
A)Older men in their fifties
B)Young white college students not yet of legal drinking age
C)Homeless people
D)Women in their thirties
Why are the levels of moderation for drinking different for men and women?
A)Women are generally smaller is size
B)Men have more lean body mass
C)Women have less alcohol dehydrogenase in their stomachs
D)All of these choices are correct
Which of the following is a benefit of "moderate" alcohol consumption?
A)Lower serum LDL levels
B)Lower serum HDL levels
C)Increase blood cell accumulation
D)Most benefits are associated with resveratrol in beer
Which of the following is a risk of excessive alcohol intake?
A)Heart damage
B)Cirrhosis of the liver
C)Motor vehicle accidents
D)All of these choices are correct
Which of the following is an effect of chronic alcohol abuse on the body?
A)Cancer of the oral cavity and breast
B)Liver failure
C)Colon and pancreatic cancer
D)All of these choices are correct
Which of the following is an effect of chronic alcohol abuse on one's nutritional status?
A)Increased bile production and improved liver functioning
B)Malabsorption of nutrients in the small intestine
C)Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
D)Both malabsorption of nutrients in the small intestine and hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are correct
Which of the following is a sign of alcohol dependency?
A)Having a strong craving to drink
B)Being in control
C)Feeling dizzy on a small amount of alcohol
D)All of these choices are correct
Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to nutrient deficiencies such as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome which is a deficiency of _____.
A)Vitamin C
D)Vitamin B6
What is the rate of alcohol metabolism in a 150 pound social drinker with normal liver function?
A)1/2 a standard drink per hour
B)1 standard drink per hour
C)1 1/2 standard drinks per hour
D)2 standard drinks per hour
Which of the following DOES NOT represent one of the letters in the CAGE questionnaire (a method used to diagnose alcohol abuse)?
A)"Can" drink more than your friends
B)"Annoyed" by others who think you drink a lot
C)"Guilty" feeling about your drinking
D)"Eye-opener" drink needed in the morning to steady your nerves
Which of the following is a strategy for treating alcohol abuse?
A)Cutting down to fewer drinks per day
B)Ten medications are approved for alcohol abuse
C)AA 12-step program
D)All of these choices are correct

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