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Student Learning Outcomes
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After studying this chapter, you will be able to
  1. Describe the sources of alcohol and the calories it provides.
  2. Define standard sizes of alcoholic beverages and the term moderate drinking.
  3. Summarize how alcoholic beverages are produced.
  4. Outline the process of alcohol absorption, transport, and metabolism.
  5. Define binge drinking and explain how it increases the risk of alcohol poisoning.
  6. Explain how alcohol consumption affects blood alcohol concentration.
  7. Describe guidelines for using alcohol safely.
  8. Discuss potential benefits of using alcohol.
  9. Summarize the risks of alcohol consumption.
  10. Describe the effects of chronic alcohol use on the body and nutritional status.
  11. List the signs of alcohol dependency and abuse.
  12. Outline the methods used to diagnose alcohol abuse.
  13. List the strategies and resources available for the treatment of alcoholism.

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