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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness, 11/e

Thomas D. Fahey, California State University, Chico
Paul M. Insel, Stanford University
Walton T. Roth, Standford University

ISBN: 007352347x
Copyright year: 2015

What's New

Chapter 1
  • The discussion of the dimensions of wellness has been thoroughly updated, with the addition of financial wellness as a seventh dimension.
  • All of the chapter's statistical material has been updated to reflect the latest information on morbidity, mortality, and measures of quality of life.

Chapter 2
  • New information had been added on the negative health effects of prolonged sitting.
  • The discussion of the health benefits of moderate and intense exercise has been thoroughly updated with the newest research.
  • A new section discusses the relationship between somatotype (body build) and preferred exercise types.
  • Relevant content has been updated with the most recent statistics available from the CDC on the physical activity and exercise habits of Americans.

Chapter 3
  • The discussion of the many health benefits of cardiorespiratory endurance exercise has been updated with the latest research.
  • A new section discussion the role of cardiorespiratory exercise in increasing acute inflammation and decreasing chronic inflammation.
  • The Beep Test has been added to Lab 3.1, "Assessing Your Current Level of Cardiorespiratory Endurance".
  • A new In Focus feature has been added titled "Cross Training Your Way to Fitness".
  • A new section explores the pros and cons of barefoot running and minimalist footwear.

Chapter 4
  • Extensive new coverage (with photographs) provides instructions for strength-training exercises that can be done with no or minimal equipment, outside of gym. A set of related videos are available in Connect.
  • New coverage (with photographs) describes the techniques and benefits of working out with a kettlebell. Related videos are available in Connect.
  • A new section addresses the efficacy of vibration training.
  • New content addresses the insignificance of THR when writing a FITT plans for strength/endurance.

Chapter 5
  • The Front Plank test has been added to Lab 5.4, "Assessing Muscular Endurance for Low-Back Health"
  • Stability ball exercises have been added to the section on Low-Back Stretches, along with a related video in Connect.

Chapter 6
  • All data and information on the prevalence of overweight and obesity among American adults has been updated; two new figures better represent this data visually.
  • The coverage of BMI has been significantly updated with new information regarding the problems of using BMI to predict health and longevity.
  • A new section outlines the relationship between body composition and somatotype.
  • Bioelectrical Impedance and U.S. Navy Circumference Methods have been added to Lab 6.1, "Assessing Body Mass Index and Body Composition."

Chapter 7
  • The section on stability balls includes new information regarding their efficacy as a training tool.
  • New content addresses the link between weight training programs and blood vessel stiffness.
  • The section on using apps in your training programs now includes the Nike Training Club.

Chapter 8
  • The coverage of fats has been completely revised to reflect the latest research on the health effects of saturated, trans, monosaturated, and polysaturated fats.
  • The section on carbohydrates has been extensively updated and revised.
  • A new section addresses the prevalence of functional foods in the American diet.
  • Coverage of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act has been added.

Chapter 9
  • Statistics on overweight and obesity in the United States have been updated throughout the chapter.
  • A new section, "Overweight and Obesity Defined," clarifies the definitions and implications of these two terms.
  • A new "Critical Consumer" box, "Is Any Diet Best for Weight Loss?", addresses the proven success rates of various popular weight-loss diets.
  • The discussion of hidden and undisclosed ingredients in weight-loss drugs has been extensively updated.
  • The box "Diversity Matters: Gender, Ethnicity, and Body Image" has been updated to reflect the latest research.

Chapter 10
  • The discussion of the relationship between exercise and mental health has been extensively updated to reflect the latest research and recommendations.
  • Relevant statistics have been updated with the latest findings from the 2011 Stress in America survey.
  • Coverage of the relationship between sleep problems and stress has been updated with the latest data from the National Sleep Foundation.

Chapter 11
  • All statistics have been updated to reflect the latest data from the American Heart Association's Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2013
  • The section "What to do in Case of a Heart Attack, Stroke, or Cardiac Arrest" has been updated with the latest recommendations from the American Heart Association.
  • Coverage of the effect of exercise on CVD risk has been extensively updated with new research findings and guidelines.

Chapter 12
  • All statistics have been updated to reflect the latest data from authoritative sources, including the American Cancer Society's Cancer Facts and Figures, 2013.
  • A new "In Focus" box, "Genetic Testing", discusses genetic testing for and possible genetic treatment of cancer.
  • Table 12.2, "Screening Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer", has been updated with the latest recommendations from the American Cancer Society.
  • New coverage addresses emerging cancer treatments, such as monoclonal antibody therapy.

Chapter 13
  • The chapter has been revised throughout to reflect the new definitions of dependence and addiction present in DSM-5.
  • A new section discusses the "flushing syndrome" exhibited by some people in response to alcohol.
  • The discussion of the effects of smoking during pregnancy has been updated to reflect the latest research.
  • The section, "Action Against Tobacco", has been updated with the latest legislation against tobacco at the local, state, and federal level

Chapter 14
  • The chapter has been updated with the terminology "sexually transmitted infection," to reflect the latest scientific usage.
  • Statistics throughout the chapter have been updated with the latest information from sources such as the CDC, WHO, Guttmacher Institute, and others.
  • The box "Evidence for Exercise: Does Exercise Help or Harm the Immune System" has been updated with the latest research.

Chapter 15
  • All data and statistics have been updated with the latest findings from the World Health Organization, World Wildlife Fund, United Nations, and others.
  • New coverage addresses the prevalence, pros, and cons of biodiesel and all-electric vehicles.
  • Updated coverage of nuclear power includes the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
  • A new section on noise pollution includes recommendations for avoiding hearing damage.

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