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Key Terms
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aleatory  (Latin, alea, "dice") any kind of music composed according to chance or random procedures
ecology  relationship between organisms and their environment
ecosystem  the ecological community and its physical environment
feminism  the doctrine advocating equal social, political, and economic rights for women
microtonality  the use of musical intervals smaller than the semitones of traditional European and American music
silkscreen  a printmaking technique employing the use of a stenciled image cut and attached to finely meshed silk, through which printing ink is forced so as to transfer the image to paper or cloth; also called "seriography"
synthesizer  an integrated system of electronic components designed for the production and control of sound; it may be used in combination with a computer and with most musical instruments
terrorism  a tactical alternative to outright war employed by minority elements aiming to demoralize or intimidate a population in order to achieve social, political, or religious goals
virtual reality  the digital simulation of artificial environments

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