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Internet Modern History Sourcebook
This website offers a range of selections from important texts related to modern history, including a large number of writings related to the history of the second half of the twentieth century. Many of the documents are excerpts from larger works. The texts are arranged thematically.

Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex
This website provides access to an e-text English translation of Simone de Beauvoir's seminal feminist work.

Jean Paul Sartre: Existentialism Is a Humanism
In this essay, Sartre defends existentialism from charges that it breeds nihilism and despair. In the process, he offers an explanation of existentialist philosophy. Other writings by Sartre can be found on this site as well.

Samuel Beckett Resources: Waiting for Godot
At this website, visitors can find the complete text of Beckett's famous absurdist play accompanied by still images from a theatrical production. Other materials related to the play and Beckett more generally can be found elsewhere on the website.

Akira Kurosawa: Online Clip Database
Intended as an educational resource, this website provides brief clips from a number of Kurosawa's films, accompanied by text explaining the films' significance to movie history.

American Writers
The videos on this website, maintained by C-SPAN, use the writings of prominent American authors as a vehicle for exploring the times in which the authors lived. Among the subjects of the videos archived here are Jack Kerouac, James Baldwin, and Betty Friedan.

MLK Online
This website hosts a number of video and audio clips featuring speeches by Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., including his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

African American Odyssey: The Civil Rights Era
This webpage on the Library of Congress website provides a brief overview of the African-American Civil Rights movement, accompanied by images of relevant documents held in the archives of the LOC.

The Poetry Foundation
This website provides biographical information about numerous modern poets, as well as e-texts of selections of their work. Represented writers include Allen Ginsberg, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Pablo Neruda.

Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own
This webpage hosts an e-text of Woolf's famous extended essay.

PBS: NOVA: The Elegant Universe
At this website, visitors can view a three-hour documentary about String Theory (broken into segments of roughly six minutes each). The website also has an interview with physicist Brian Greene, and explanatory slideshows and articles.

Art History Resources on the Web: 20th-Century Art
This website doesn't contain original material; instead it provides access to dozens of links to other sites covering a variety of topics related to twentieth-century art (including Warhol, Christos, Pollock, Rothko, and more), as well as many other cultures and time periods.

Art Cyclopedia
This compendious website catalogues links to other sites (usually museum websites) where students can find images of the works of specific artists of the twentieth century (sometimes the links identify the specific artwork as well). The index helpfully divides artists into movements and eras such as "Pop Art" and "Photorealism."

Santiago Calatrava
This website displays examples of the work of this prominent architect and artist, in both video and image formats.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
This website provides a good introduction to modern art. It contains a number of interactive features about modern art generally and the works of particular artists, including Kara Walker and video artist Bill Viola.

Art of the States
This website is devoted to introducing the works of contemporary American composers to a wide audience. Among the artists whose works are represented are John Cage and John Adams.

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