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Key Terms
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blank verse  unrhymed verse, especially that having iambic pentameters, that is, lines consisting of ten syllables each with accents on every second syllable
camera lucida  (Latin, "light room") a device using a prism to project onto paper an image that the artist can copy or trace
chorale  a congregational hymn first sung in the Lutheran church
couplet  two successive lines of verse with similar end-rhymes
engraving  the process by which lines are incised on a metal plate, then inked and printed
essay  a short piece of expository prose that examines a single subject
genre painting  art depicting scenes from everyday life
indulgence  a Church pardon from the temporal penalties for sins; the remission of purgatorial punishment
kabuki  (Japanese, "song-dance-art") the most popular form of drama in Japan
novel  an extended fictional prose narrative
quatrain  a four-line stanza
triptych  a picture or altarpiece with a central panel and two flanking panels
woodcut  a relief printing process by which all parts of a design are cut away except those that will be inked and printed

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