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Self-Assessment Quiz
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Northern humanism differed from the Italian humanism in that focused on
A)legal reform.
B)religious reform.
C)classical revival.
D)scientific advancement.
E)artistic innovation.
Martin Luther
A)condemned the sale of indulgences.
B)rejected the authority of the Pope.
C)believed that salvation required faith alone.
D)encouraged his followers to read the Bible.
E)All these answers are correct.
The Protestant Reformation is significant because it led to the
A)Italian Renaissance.
B)collapse of the Roman Church.
C)collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
D)division of Western Christendom.
E)political unification of Germany.
Erasmus' Praise of Folly was
A)a treatise written in defense of Martin Luther.
B)the first novel written in a European vernacular.
C)a satirical attack on human foibles.
D)is a series of autobiographical essays.
E)an historical chronicle of the Catholic Church.
In Thomas More's ideal society, "Utopia,"
A)competition was replaced with cooperation.
B)the individual was prized over the community.
C)philosopher-kings would rule.
D)slavery was abolished.
E)reason was ridiculed.
The "father of the essay" was
William Shakespeare
A)wrote sonnets that explored art and beauty.
B)wrote comedic, tragic, and history plays.
C)explored the psychic world of his characters.
D)wrote in blank verse.
E)All these answers are correct.
Both English Renaissance theater and Japanese kabuki theater
A)appealed to urban audiences.
B)employed female as well as male actors.
C)employed revolving stages.
D)were stylized, sung performances.
E)All these answers are correct.
All of the following are true of Albrecht Dürer EXCEPT that he
A)was influenced by the Italian Renaissance.
B)was the leading engraver of his day.
C)avoided religious subjects in his artwork.
D)depicted realism and psychological depth.
E)painted landscapes as well as self-portraits.
Matthias Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece depicts
A)Martin Luther and the 95 Theses.
B)the artist as a Christ-like figure.
C)the crucifixion of Christ.
D)the creation of Adam.
E)a peasant wedding.
The third (rightmost) triptych of Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights depicts
A)the artistic accomplishments of the Italian Renaissance.
B)the dignity of intellectual life.
C)the everyday life of European peasants.
D)the torments of Hell.
E)the creation of Adam and Eve.
Martin Luther's chorales were meant to be sung
A)by the entire congregation.
B)by trained singers.
C)by priests.
D)by monks.
E)alone by individual worshippers.
The city of Worms, where Martin Luther defended his faith against the Diet, is located on the
A)Oder River.
B)Loire River.
C)Rhine River.
D)Danube River.
E)Elbe River.
John Calvin set up a religious community in Geneva, which is located in
A)France along the Seine River.
B)the Swiss Confederation on the Rhone River.
C)the Holy Roman Empire on the Rhine River.
D)northern Europe on the Rhine River.
E)northern Italy.
Rotterdam, where Erasmus lived, is located
A)on the Rhine River.
B)on the Rhone River.
C)on the Elbe River.
D)on the Seine River
E)on the Danube River.

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