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About the Author
Book Preface
Feature Summary

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions

John F. Kros, East Carolina University

ISBN: 0073525138
Copyright year: 2008

About the Author

John F. Kros has a bachelor of business administration from The University of Texas, a master of business administration from Santa Clara University, and a Ph.D. in systems engineering from The University of Virginia.

During his graduate work, he took time out and was employed for several years by Hughes Network Systems (HNS), in Germantown, Maryland. At HNS his responsibilities included: master scheduling, capacity planning, inventory control, and quality assurance/ISO 9000 auditing and training. HNS is a major manufacturer of electronic circuit boards, DSS satellite dishes, cellular phone and switching equipment, high speed cable modems, and network computer satellite systems.

John currently is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing and Supply Chain Management Department in the College of Business at East Carolina University, in Greenville, NC. He teaches Business Decision Modeling and Operations and Supply Chain Management.

His research interests include: Design of Experiments, Multi-Objective Decision Making, Taguchi Methods, and Applied Decision Analysis. He is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), Production Operations Management Society (POMS), and the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). John has been published in Quality Engineering, Quality Reliability Engineering International, Industrial Management and Data Systems, the Journal of Business Forecasting Methods and Systems, Computers and Operations Research, and the Journal of the Operational Research Society and in numerous INFORMS and DSI conference proceedings.

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