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Book Preface
Feature Summary

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions

John F. Kros, East Carolina University

ISBN: 0073525138
Copyright year: 2008

Feature Summary

  • Examples and exercises are presented that guide students in forming their own decision-making process, understanding the output from their analysis, and communicating that analysis in written and verbal form.

  • This 1st edition text sticks to the core methods used by managers in their everyday problem solving situations and offer students a process to improve their own critical thinking, management judgment, and communication with their end-user clients.

  • Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions is highly suited for instructors who teach in an alternative scheduling atmosphere, most notably the standard 15 week semester.

  • Supplementary software programs, such as TreePlan, @Risk, and other add-ins for spreadsheets are integrated throughout the textbook. The use of simulation software and decision tree add-in programs is located in Chapters 4 and 5. Detailed examples illustrating the use of various Excel add-ins such as Goal Seek, Solver and the Data Analysis ToolPak are also interspersed throughout the text

  • Excel Spreadsheets are incorporated throughout the text to model and solve problems.

  • Chapters open with “Business Decision Modeling in Action” segments that immediately require students to be active participants in business decision-making.

  • “Business Decision Modeling Throughout the Ages” and “Business Decision Modeling Behind the Scenes” boxes show students insight into the history of spreadsheet modeling and how it is applied in real-world situations.

  • Five unique interactive cases studies contained in the text require students to use java-based interactive models found on the text website

  • Other pedagogy includes Concept Checks: Critical Thinking and Reasoning sections; case studies and examples; end-of-chapter sample executive summaries of analysis; and detailed instructions with “quick reference”, “checklist” and “rules-of-thumb” sections.

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