1 |  |  Those unplanned but highly meaningful learning experiences that occur as by-products of school participation are called the |
|  | A) | academic curriculum. |
|  | B) | extracurriculum. |
|  | C) | hidden curriculum. |
|  | D) | humanistic curriculum. |
2 |  |  About what proportion of high school seniors participate in extracurricular activities? |
|  | A) | almost 100 percent participated in at least one, and often several, of these activities |
|  | B) | just over 80 percent |
|  | C) | fewer than half |
|  | D) | extracurricular activities were dominated by the "innies," the most popular students, the group called the "top tenth" |
3 |  |  Which of the following statements about the forces shaping curriculum is TRUE? |
|  | A) | Colleges and universities dominate curriculum development by writing curriculum guides for use at the district level. |
|  | B) | The movement toward national standards has all but eliminated the controversy over curriculum. |
|  | C) | While national tests gain national attention, they have no impact on local curriculum. |
|  | D) | The curriculum is influenced by many groups with often competing values and goals. |
4 |  |  How does the federal government affect curriculum? |
|  | A) | Not at all—under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, the states have responsibility for education. |
|  | B) | The federal government helps shape curriculum through promoting goals, content standards, and testing. The federal government also sponsors legislation that influences curriculum. |
|  | C) | The federal government is charged with the task of developing curriculum for grades K-12; preschools and colleges and universities are free to develop their own. |
|  | D) | The federal government formed the National Education Standards and Improvement Council in order to standardize instruction in the states. When the Council completes its task, all 50 states will work from the same K-12 curricula. |
5 |  |  The "Texas and California effect" recognizes the influence of large states on |
|  | A) | the development of content standards. |
|  | B) | the detection and removal of bias from curriculum materials. |
|  | C) | what is covered—or not covered—in textbooks. |
|  | D) | the development of standardized tests. |
6 |  |  About how many states are so-called "textbook adoption states?" |
|  | A) | all but a handful of states are considered official adoption states |
|  | B) | almost half |
|  | C) | fewer than a dozen, but they are the biggest states like Texas and California |
|  | D) | the criticism of the textbook adoption system has led to the phasing out of this practice by 2020; each year, fewer states participate in this process |
7 |  |  A danger of today's emphasis on more comprehensive textbook packages is |
|  | A) | a decrease in the teacher's professional role as "architect of the curriculum." |
|  | B) | too much influence by the statewide adoption committee. |
|  | C) | increased sex and race bias, as these books now must appeal to some of the more conservative communities in the nation. |
|  | D) | an increased burden on teachers, who must master each element of the package. |
8 |  |  A basal reader features pictures of boys and girls of all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds happily playing together, yet the stories contained in the reader are about only white, middle-class children. This is an example of |
|  | A) | linguistic bias. |
|  | B) | fragmentation. |
|  | C) | stereotyping. |
|  | D) | cosmetic bias. |
9 |  |  Initially, the "standards movement" referred to |
|  | A) | the push to expose inequity by focusing on the so-called opportunity-to-learn standard. |
|  | B) | the release of content standards for all subjects by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. |
|  | C) | the movement toward developing content standards in each subject at each grade level. |
|  | D) | the growing support for measuring schools by clearly articulated standards of performance; failing schools will get additional federal funds. |
10 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a significant criticism of the use of standardized tests in today's schools? |
|  | A) | High-stakes tests are putting too much pressure on students and teachers. |
|  | B) | Too much class time is devoted to preparing for standardized tests, resulting in less time spent on valuable but not tested items and issues. |
|  | C) | The tests CAN be flawed by errors in keying and scoring and by test bias, penalizing certain groups. |
|  | D) | High-stakes tests correlate highly with other tests, such as the NAEP. |
11 |  |  Which of the following statements about No Child Left Behind is TRUE? |
|  | A) | Schools are not required to share personal student information with military recruiters. |
|  | B) | Schools with over a 75 percent passing rate are named Blue Ribbon schools. |
|  | C) | Schools must allow Boy Scout meetings in their buildings. |
|  | D) | Schools labeled under-performing must allow students to transfer to another school, at their own expense. |
12 |  |  Alfie Kohn warns that |
|  | A) | raising standardized test scores is completely different from helping students learn. |
|  | B) | developing content standards in value-laden fields such as history will be difficult. |
|  | C) | too many disparate groups are competing to shape the curriculum, to the detriment of students' learning. |
|  | D) | unless we hold our students to a uniformly high level of performance, their education will be sabotaged by low expectations. |
13 |  |  Which educator is most closely associated with authentic assessment? |
|  | A) | Theodore Sizer |
|  | B) | Harriet Tyson Bernstein |
|  | C) | E. D. Hirsch Jr. |
|  | D) | Harold Benjamin |
14 |  |  Evolution is a theory, which means |
|  | A) | it is a "hunch", our best guess. |
|  | B) | teachers should reject it until it is proven true. |
|  | C) | it is based on many years of scientific evidence. |
|  | D) | each person should reject it as baseless. |
15 |  |  What is "stealth censorship?" |
|  | A) | the American Library Association's efforts to purge libraries of materials that are not inclusive of all races, creeds, and sexual orientations |
|  | B) | the removal of materials from a library or syllabus to preempt controversy |
|  | C) | a tactic employed by religious fundamentalists who want to purge libraries of anti-Christian, anti-family, or violent materials |
|  | D) | the highly organized campaign to rid school libraries of New Age materials, led by people who otherwise support the First Amendment but fear the brain-washing content of New Age books and tapes |
16 |  |  Allan Bloom is noted for |
|  | A) | his criticism of the textbook adoption system. |
|  | B) | his role in developing the highly controversial history standards rejected by Lynne Cheney. |
|  | C) | his quote, "What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no one who wanted to read one." |
|  | D) | his book, The Closing of the American Mind, calling for a curricular canon. |
17 |  |  Given the tremendous knowledge explosion, some educators are pushing for |
|  | A) | more offerings in the vocational track. |
|  | B) | greater focus on life-adjustment courses. |
|  | C) | a service requirement needed for graduation. |
|  | D) | increased attention to teaching thinking skills. |
18 |  |  Metacognition is the |
|  | A) | awareness and monitoring of one's attitudes and attention while learning. |
|  | B) | application of analytic tools to society at large. |
|  | C) | umbrella term for such skills as comparing, observing, and summarizing. |
|  | D) | curricular pendulum when it swings toward a "back-to-basics" approach. |
19 |  |  What does the Saber Tooth Curriculum parody? |
|  | A) | the ill-advised curriculum that led to the downfall of Paleolithic man |
|  | B) | educators who cling to curricula of the past |
|  | C) | educators who would modify curricula willy-nilly, not recognizing the importance of a curricular canon |
|  | D) | the multicultural curricula of today's K-12 schools |
|  | E) | the importance of early dental care |