Inside Reporting: A Practical Guide to the Craft of Journalism
Tim Harrower
ISBN: 0073526142 Copyright year: 2007
The text's interior design is visual and engaging, which appeals to a generation of readers who want a dynamic, stimulating format.
Key topics are presented in concise, well illustrated, magazine-style spreads. Links to related topics are indicated by red arrows along the bottom of text pages.
Rather than sounding like a textbook, this book reads like a magazine article: direct and practical.
The text offers strong coverage of news writing and reporting basics and legal and ethical issues.
While emphasizing the basics, this text also provides a wealth of information on online reporting and packaging stories in more visual, interactive ways.
Distinctive pedagogical features and examples reinforce the book’s practical approach. These include checklists, tips, annotated news excerpts, idea files, questionnaires, exercises, and “Press Room” quotes from more than 100 professional journalists.
"The Morgue" is a unique end-of-book archive that includes actual news articles, feature stories, and leads discussed in the text, many of which are annotated by their original author. These examples are cross-referenced in the text.
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