Inside Reporting: A Practical Guide to the Craft of Journalism
Tim Harrower
ISBN: 0073526142 Copyright year: 2007
Media Supplements
Students and Instructors will have access to a broad range of supplementary digital media, including the forthcoming Online Learning Center Web site and cartridges for BlackBoard and WebCT.
Resources for Students Will Include:
An interactive Workbook (includes numerous skill-building exercises and activities, AP Style Quizzes and more)
Multiple Choice Quizzes with feedback
True or False Quizzes with feedback
Grammar Quizzes
Key-term Flashcards
Key-term Crossword Puzzles
Annotated links from the book’s Webliography
Chapter-specific Learning Goals
Chapter Summaries
A Glossary
Resources for Instructors Will Include:
Instructor’s Manual (includes teaching tips, key points, class discussion topics and activities, and suggested homework assignments)
Test Bank (includes questions on key concepts, grammar and AP style)
Computerized Test Bank
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.