FROM PRINT TO THE WEB- Will electronic newspapers replace dead-tree newspapers someday? Probably.
- Online media offer readers more variety—and better yet, more control.
- Navigation is a crucial factor on news Web sites: Sites must be informative, inviting and intuitively logical, so users can roam at random, following their curiosities and customizing their news.
- Electronic news reporters need to develop new storytelling techniques.
What's the Difference between Print Stories and Web Stories?- Timeliness: Web stories can be posted seconds after they're written and updated constantly as events unfold.
- Images usually run smaller on Web pages (readers can click to enlarge).
- Online text uses bigger type, and stories run in just one column.
- A print story consists of just text, photos and graphics.
- Online stories can become part of a complex multimedia package, combining text, photos, audio, video, animated graphics, interactive chat and more. Stories, images and digital extras can be linked together in layers, with related options just a click away.
- Though the options are more diverse online, journalistic standards and reporting techniques should remain the SAME.
MEDIA CONVERGENCE Convergence Takes Three Basic Forms:- Newsroom convergence: Journalists from different media (TV, radio, newspaper, online) all share the same workspace, instead of occupying separate offices in separate buildings.
- Newsgathering convergence: Reporters, editors and photographers collaborate on story production—Journalists multitask in multimedia.
- Content convergence: The final story is presented in multimedia form, combining text, images, audio, video, blogs, podcasts, slide-shows, etc.
From Home Page to Story: Navigating Online News Sites- The Home page:
- The gateway to the online news.
- Links users to every related page. It must be comprehensive, yet easy to navigate; busy, yet clean.
- Story links require compelling headlines and concise, engaging summaries.
- Key elements on the home page defined (time/date, index, lead story, page depth, footer, navigation button, search engine, ads/promos, interactive extras, links).
Multiplatform Reporting: Convergence at The Journal-World ONLINE STORYTELLING OPTONS- The printed word remains the fundamental building block of online journalism, but there are smart, new tools to enhance it.
- Multimedia Options
- video
- audio
- webcams and webcasts
- podcasts
- animated graphics
- Interactive Options
- live chats
- reader feedback and comments
- online polls and quizzes
- downloads
- Links
Blogs: A Popular Way to Add Voices and Viewpoints- What are blogs?
- Who creates blogs?
- Why are blogs important?
- But are blogs journalism?
WRITING FOR ONLINE MEDIA- The Web is changing reader habits and challenging journalistic conventions.
Five Tips for Creating Readable, User-Friendly News Stories for Web Sites- "Chunk" your information.
- Tweak your type to make it easier to scan.
- Rethink what a "story" is.
- Enhance your story with extra elements.
- Collaborate.
Online Package Planning Guide- A form that helps reporters and editors plan stories for the Web.
THE FUTURE OF NEWS- Experts answer the question: How will Americans get their news in the year 2025?