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Table of ContentsPreface
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Historical Resume
2. Basic Transmission Line Theory
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Transmission Line Equations
2.3 Characteristic and Input Impedances
2.4 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients
2.5 Standing Wave
2.6 Mismatch Losses in Transmission Lines
2.7 Smith Chart
2.8 High Frequency Lines
3. Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Wave Impedance
3.3 Wave Propagation
3.4 Electromagnetic Wave Equation
3.5 Electromagnetic Energy and Power Flow
3.6 Poynting Theorem
3.7 Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Propagation Line
3.8 Boundary Conditions
3.9 Polarisation of Waves
3.10 Plane Waves in Unbounded Medium
3.11 Wave Velocities
3.12 Plane Waves in Lossy Dielectric
3.13 Plane Waves in Lossless Dielectric
3.14 Plane Waves in Good Conductor
3.15 Plane Waves at the Interface of Two Media
3.16 Reflection from and Transmission Through a Plane Interface
Between a Conducting and Dielectric Media
3.17 Propagation of Microwaves in Ferrite
3.18 Faraday Rotation in Ferrites
4. Microwave Transmission Lines
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Ideal Coaxial Line
4.3 Planar Transmission Lines
4.4 Rectangular Waveguides
4.5 Circular Waveguides
4.6 Ridge Waveguides
4.7 Surface Waveguides
4.8 Power Handling Capability of Microwave Transmission Lines
5. Impedance Transformations for Matching
5.1 Introduction
5.2 General Condition for Impedance Matching
5.3 Narrowband Matching
5.4 Broadband Matching
5.5 Tapered Transmission Lines
6. Microwave Network Theory and Passive Devices
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Symmetrical Z and Y Matrices for Reciprocal Network
6.3 Scattering or S-Matrix Representation of Multiport Network
6.4 Microwave Passive Devices
7. Microwave Resonators
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Coaxial Resonators
7.3 Waveguide Cavity Resonators
7.4 Cavity Excitation and Tuning
7.5 Q-Factor of Microwave Cavities
7.6 Loaded and External Q
7.7 Coupled Cavities
7.8 Re-Entrant Cavity
7.9 Hole-and-Slot Cavity
7.10 Microstrip Resonators
8. Microwave Filters
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Filter Parameters
8.3 Mismatch Effects
8.4 Microwave Realisation of the Filter Elements
8.5 Filter Design
8.6 Microwave Low-Pass Filters
8.7 Microwave High-Pass Filters
8.8 Microwave Band-Pass Filters
8.9 Microwave Band-Stop Filters
9. Microwave Vacuum Tube Devices
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Klystrons
9.3 Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier
9.4 Magnetron Oscillator
10. Microwave Solid State Devices and Circuits
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Diodes
10.3 Transferred Electron Devices (TED)—Gunn Diodes
10.4 Avalanche Transit-Time Devices (ATTD)
10.5 Tunnel Diodes
10.6 Varactor Diodes
10.7 The Parametric Amplifier
10.8 Microwave Transistors
11. Applications of Microwaves
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Microwave Radar Systems
11.3 Microwave Communication Systems
11.4 Industrial Application of Microwaves
12. Microwave Radiation Hazards
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel
12.3 Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
12.4 Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel
12.5 Radiation Hazard Levels for Personnel
12.6 Radiation Hazard Limits
12.7 Radiation Protection
13. Microwave Measurements
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Tunable Detector
13.3 Slotted Line Carriage
13.4 VSWR Meter
13.5 Spectrum Analyser
13.6 Network Analyser
13.7 Power Measurements
13.8 Insertion Loss and Attenuation Measurements
13.9 VSWR Measurements 466
13.10 Return Loss Measurement by a Reflectometer
13.11 Impedance Measurement
13.12 Frequency Measurement
13.13 Measurement of Cavity Q
13.14 Dielectric Constant Measurement of a Solid
13.15 Measurements of Scattering Parameters of a Network
13.16 Microwave Antenna Measurements
13.17 Radar Cross-Section (RCS) Measurements