Anthropological research in classrooms, homes, and neighborhoods, viewing students as total cultural creatures whose enculturation and attitudes toward education belong to a larger context that includes family, peers, and society.
applied anthropology
The application of anthropological data, perspectives, theory, and methods to identify, assess, and solve contemporary social problems.
Specialized role acquired through a culturally appropriate process of selection, training, certification, and acquisition of a professional image; the curer is consulted by patients, who believe in his or her special powers, and receives some form of special consideration; a cultural universal.
development anthropology
The branch of applied anthropology that focuses on social issues in, and the cultural dimension of, economic development.
An etic or scientifically identified health threat caused by a bacterium, virus, fungus, parasite, or other pathogen.
equity, increased
A reduction in absolute poverty and a fairer (more even) distribution of wealth.
health care systems
Beliefs, customs, and specialists concerned with ensuring health and preventing and curing illness; a cultural universal.
An emic condition of poor health felt by individual.
medical anthropology
Unites biological and cultural anthropologists in the study of disease, health problems, health care systems, and theories about illness in different cultures and ethnic groups.
Characteristic of development projects that require major changes in people's daily lives, especially ones that interfere with customary subsistence pursuits.
scientific medicine
As distinguished from Western medicine, a health care system based on scientific knowledge and procedures, encompassing such fields as pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, surgery, diagnostic technology, and applications.
Planning fallacy of viewing less developed countries as an undifferentiated group; ignoring cultural diversity and adopting a uniform approach (often ethnocentric) for very different types of project beneficiaries.
urban anthropology
The anthropological study of life in and around world cities, including urban social problems, differences between urban and other environments, and adaptation to city life.
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