Part of the prestigious McGraw-Hill Social Psychology series, Exploring Social Psychology is a paperback alternative priced significantly lower than standard hardcover texts, making the use of outside materials in the course affordable.
The concise modular format is ideal for professors who do not use all of the material contained in lengthier chapters typical of most psychology texts.
The author's voice and reflections on the personal significance of social psychology have proven to be popular with instructors and students.
Key concepts and findings are highlighted within each stand-alone module, offering instructors complete flexibility in covering some modules and not others.
Icons throughout the text direct students to the Online Learning Center, where they can gather more information on each module by viewing excerpts from The Social Connection video modules, participate in interactive exercises, and take module quizzes to test their knowledge.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.