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Module Review
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Research indicates that viewing pornography distorts one's of how women actually respond to sexual . Controlled experiments reveal that exposure to violent pornography increases men's toward women. Rather than advocate censorship, however, many psychologists favor " training."

Albert Bandura's Bobo doll experiments indicated that viewing aggressive behavior both lowered and taught ways to . The studies suggest that watching aggressive on television may increase aggression. Research also indicates, however, that modeling behavior teaches children positive lessons in behavior.

Correlational studies indicate that the violent the content of the child's TV viewing, the aggressive the child. also indicate that viewing violence causes an increase in aggressive behavior.

The hypothesis suggests that watching violent drama enables people to release their pent-up hostilities. In contrast, televised violence actually seems to viewers to cruelty and to distort their of reality.

Media portrayals of violence may produce aggression by raising viewers' , by lowering their , and by evoking .

video games may stimulate arousal and thinking, feelings, and behavior, as well as decreasing prosocial behaviors.

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