1 |  |  Why is intimacy an adolescent issue? How does Sullivan's theory deviate from other theories of adolescent intimacy? Do you expect this to differ for male and female adolescents? |
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2 |  |  Sullivan believed that the capacity for intimacy first develops prior to adolescence and in the context of same-sex, not opposite-sex relationships. Describe what this means and what Sullivan thought were the main challenges of adolescence. What do you think are the main challenges with Sullivan's theory? |
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3 |  |  How might the material on attachment and attachment styles discussed in the textbook be useful in working with couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships? How do males and females regard intimacy in the context of a romantic relationship? How do members of different genders regard attachment as a component of a romantic relationship? Would you expect attachment styles to affect LGBT relationships differently than heterosexual relationships? |
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4 |  |  What is an internal working model? What are the roles of internal working models in interpersonal development and building new relationships? How are internal working models formed? Can internal working models be modified throughout the life-course or are they "set in stone" in infancy? |
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5 |  |  Many states have recently discussed whether same-sex marriages should be legal. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender adolescents, referred to as LGBT or "sexual-minority youth" in the textbook, have unique stressors, such as whether their friends and family will accept their sexual orientation. How do you think the issue of whether same-sex marriage is legal affects the psychological well-being of LGBT adolescents? Is the development of intimate relationships different for LGBT adolescents than straight adolescents? |
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6 |  |  You are the counselor of a 14-year-old girl who has started a serious relationship with a 17-year-old boy. Although she is not yet sexually active with the boy, she is strongly considering it. Your client has indicated that she has no close same-sex friendships, is typically insecure in most social situations, and is showing some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety. You determine that it is important that her parents be included in an intervention to prevent a deepening psychological crisis from developing. What might the parents examine in their own parenting methods that might have, in part, contributed to the present dilemma? What recommendations would you, as the family counselor, have for her parents? What does research predict will happen if the young woman continues her serious relationship? |
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7 |  |  Describe the prevalence of dating violence in adolescence. What would a typical sixth grader say if you asked him or her whether it is OK to hit a romantic partner? Who is most likely to be the victim of dating violence? |
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