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Study Questions
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  1. Define "psychology" and identify some of its major subfields.

  2. Describe how psychology uses a scientific approach to avoid generating misconceptions about behavior that can arise in everyday life.

  3. What does critical thinking involve and why is it important?

  4. Discuss the scientific evidence examining the validity of the advice to "Stick with your first instinct" when taking tests.

  5. Identify four major goals of psychology, and describe how basic and applied research differ.

  6. What three general levels of analysis do psychologists use to study behavior?

  7. Discuss psychology's philosophical and scientific roots, earliest schools of thought, and founders.

  8. Describe the psychodynamic perspective. Contrast Freud's psychoanalytic theory with modern psychodynamic theories.

  9. What are the behavioral perspective's origins and focus? Contrast radical behaviorism with cognitive behaviorism.

  10. Discuss humanism's conception of human nature?

  11. Describe the cognitive perspective and some areas of modern cognitive science.

  12. Describe the two main components of the sociocultural perspective, and how the Research Close–Up illustrates cultural psychology's goals and importance?

  13. Describe the biological perspective and the goals of behavioral neuroscience, behavior genetics, and evolutionary psychology.

  14. Integrate psychology's perspectives within a 3–level framework. Use this framework to discuss causes of depression.

  15. Discuss the five major themes identified in this chapter and provide an example of each.

  16. Describe two of psychology's major professional organizations.

  17. Beyond providing therapy, discuss some ways that psychologists contribute to societal welfare.

  18. Identify scientifically based strategies that can enhance students' learning and academic performance.

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