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  1. How are motivation and emotion related?

  2. Describe the key motivational concepts introduced by biological, cognitive, psychodynamic, and humanistic perspectives.

  3. What physiological factors help regulate hunger, satiety, general appetite, and weight?

  4. Describe how psychological, environmental, and cultural factors influence hunger and eating.

  5. Describe biological and environmental factors in obesity and how their interaction affects obesity among the Pima.

  6. What are the major symptoms, health consequences, and causes of anorexia and bulimia?

  7. How have patterns of sexual behavior changed in recent decades?

  8. Describe the sexual response cycle. How do hormones influence sex characteristics and sexual behavior?

  9. Discuss how psychological, cultural, and environmental factors influence sexual behavior.

  10. Describe what is known about the effects of watching violent pornography.

  11. Describe three dimensions of sexual orientation. Discuss research on the determinants of sexual orientation.

  12. Discuss evolutionary and psychological views of affiliation and factors that influence the desire to affiliate.

  13. How do the motives and task behaviors of high– versus low–need achievers differ? Describe the achievement goal orientations and motivational climates in achievement goal theory.

  14. How do family and cultural factors influence achievement motivation?

  15. Explain and illustrate three types of motivational conflict.

  16. Describe the principles of effective goal setting.

  17. In what ways are negative and positive emotions adaptive?

  18. Describe the four major components of emotion and how they influence one another?

  19. According to LeDoux, which brain structures allow emotional responses to occur at two levels of processing?

  20. What evidence exists that positive and negative emotions involve different patterns of brain activation?

  21. Are autonomic measures of lie detection scientifically defensible? What factors influence their validity?

  22. How do evolutionary and cultural factors influence emotionally expressive behavior?

  23. How do level of arousal and task complexity interact to affect instrumental behaviors and task performance?

  24. Compare the James–Lange and Cannon–Bard explanations for emotional responses.

  25. Evaluate scientific evidence that supports the James–Lange and Cannon–Bard theories.

  26. According to the theories of Lazarus and Schachter, how do appraisal and arousal interact to influence emotions? Describe the two key experiments inspired by these theories.

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