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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Dr. Smith is interested in studying how specific memory processes change throughout the lifespan. He decides to study 8 different age groups (10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, 60-, 70-, and 80-year-olds) at the same point in time. Dr. Smith is using a
A)cross-sectional design.
B)longitudinal design.
C)sequential design.
D)cohort design.
What is the correct order of the three stages of prenatal development?
A)Embryonic, germinal, fetal
B)Germinal, embryonic, fetal
C)Embryonic, germinal, fetal
D)Embryonic, germinal, infant
A mother smokes cigarettes during pregnancy. The nicotine would be considered a/an
Which of the following statements best describes a newborn's visual capabilities?
A)They can generally see objects that are about a foot away.
B)They are unable to see virtually anything.
C)They have vision that is comparable to that of a 1-year-old.
D)They have visual abilities comparable to that of an adult.
Moesha is a new mother. She notices that when she strokes her baby's cheek, the baby turns his head in the direction it was touched. What is this called?
A)Moro reflex
B)Sucking reflex
C)Babinski reflex
D)Rooting reflex
Amanda's father hides her doll behind his back. At 3 months, Amanda cried because she thought the toy disappeared. At 8 months she is trying to look behind her father's back for her toy. What is the most likely explanation for Amanda's new ability to search for hidden items?
A)Amanda has mastered object permanence.
B)Amanda has not mastered object permanence.
C)Amanda has mastered the principle of conservation.
D)Amanda has not mastered the principle of conservation.
Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?
A)Sensorimotor, Concrete Operational, Preoperational, Formal Operational
B)Preoperational, Sensorimotor, Formal Operational, Concrete Operational
C)Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational
D)Sensory, Preceptional, Formalized, Conceptional
What is a limitation of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
A)Cognitive development is more complex and variable than Piaget proposed.
B)Cognitive development does not universally happen in stages.
C)Piaget identified too many stages of development.
D)He did not take into account the age of the child when developing his theory.
Temperament is best described as
A)a biologically based general style of reacting emotionally and behaviorally to the environment.
B)a learned way of reacting emotionally and behaviorally to the environment.
C)relatively unstable throughout childhood.
D)a factor not likely to influence parent-child interactions.
Harry Harlow's study with the rhesus monkeys demonstrated that ________ is more important in fostering attachment than is the provision of nourishment.
A)a safe home
B)attachment to any mother
C)contact comfort
D)attachment to a sibling
___________ is a deep emotional bond that develops between children and their primary caregivers.
D)Instinctual unification
According to the strange situation, a securely attached infant will
A)demand the mother's attention when she is in the room.
B)be fearful when the mother is present.
C)seldom cry when the mother leaves and not seek contact when she returns.
D)explore the playroom and react positively to the mother's return.
How can a child grow up well-adjusted in a divorced family?
A)By having amicable parents who remain emotionally close to their child whether or not they are the custodial parent.
B)By having one parent who stays emotionally involved with their child.
C)By having the parents remarry soon after the divorce to provide a new family structure.
D)It is not possible to grow up well-adjusted in a divorced family.
Which of the following parenting styles is generally associated with the most positive outcomes?
The statement, "Heinz should steal the drug because if he lets his wife die he will get into trouble" exemplifies which of Kohlberg's levels of moral development?
A)Pre-conventional moral reasoning
B)Conventional moral reasoning
C)Post-conventional moral reasoning
D)Abstract moral reasoning
A limitation of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is
A)his theory does not focus on fairness and justice.
B)his theory focused on women's issues.
C)his theory reflects a Western cultural bias.
D)his theory does not include moral dilemmas.
Research suggests that
A)Fluid intelligence increases during late adulthood
B)Crystallized intelligence increased during early adulthood
C)Fluid and crystallized intelligence are the same during early and late adulthood
D)Fluid intelligence peaks in middle adulthood and decreases during late adulthood
Antonio is an adolescent whose father is a dentist. Antonio just applied to dentistry school even though he would really love to teach high school science. Which of the following best describes Antonio's identity status?
C)Identity achievement
D)Identity diffusion
Edna is 73 years old and feels that she has had a complete and full life. According to Erikson, she is most likely in the stage of
A)integrity versus despair.
B)generativity versus stagnation.
C)intimacy versus isolation.
D)autonomy versus shame and doubt.
Tom is looking for a marriage partner. What qualities should he look for in a spouse to minimize the likelihood of divorce?
A)A woman who is supportive and accepting of changes
B)A woman who shares his basic values
C)A woman who communicates well with others
D)All of these.

Passer: PsychologyOnline Learning Center

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