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Study Questions
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  1. Describe major issues and special research designs often encountered in developmental research.

  2. Describe the stages of prenatal development.

  3. How is sex genetically determined?

  4. Describe the effects of various teratogens.

  5. Describe the newborn's sensory capabilities, perceptual preferences, reflexes, and ability to learn.

  6. Explain how nature and nurture jointly influence infants' physical growth and motor development.

  7. Discuss Piaget's concepts of assimilation and accommodation, his stage model, and findings that help us evaluate his theory.

  8. Explain how Vygotsky's approach and information–processing models challenge Piaget's views.

  9. How do violation–of–expectation and theory–of–mind research challenge Piaget's views?

  10. Discuss children's emotional development, including emotional expressiveness, emotion regulation, and temperament.

  11. Describe four general psychosocial "crises" of infancy and childhood.

  12. Discuss imprinting, Harlow's attachment research, and attachment in humans.

  13. How do attachment, deprivation, child care, and divorce affect children's development?

  14. Identify parenting styles, their associated child outcomes and how children's gender beliefs develop.

  15. How does socialization influence children's beliefs about gender?

  16. Describe Kohlberg's model of moral thinking and factors that influence the development of moral behavior.

  17. Describe psychological consequences of early maturation and adolescents' brain development.

  18. Describe how physical abilities and the brain change in adulthood.

  19. Discuss major cognitive changes that occur during adolescence.

  20. How do cognitive and intellectual abilities change in adulthood?

  21. Critically evaluate the mental exercise hypothesis.

  22. Do we become "older but wiser" during adulthood?

  23. Describe common cognitive impairments of old age.

  24. Discuss adolescents' search for identity and their relationships with parents and peers.

  25. How do emotions change during adolescence?

  26. How do people judge whether they have reached adulthood?

  27. According to Erikson, what are three major developmental challenges of adulthood?

  28. Describe findings on the course of marital satisfaction and sex differences in career paths.

  29. Evaluate the concept of midlife crisis and the view that dying people experience a sequence of psychological stages.

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