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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Behavior that is personally distressing, personally dysfunctional, and/or so culturally deviant that other people judge it to be inappropriate or maladaptive is called
A)abnormal behavior.
C)cognitive disengagement.
D)affective encroachment.
The _____________ states that each of us has some degree of likelihood for developing a psychological disorder, given sufficient stress.
B)insanity plea
C)vulnerability-stress model
D)personality-based vulnerability model
Martina was offered a great job that would require her to work on the 10th floor of a building. Martina really needs that job, but she declines because of her fear of heights. Martina's behavior can best be classified as
A)post-traumatic stress disorder.
B)clinical depression.
C)oppositional-defiant disorder.
D)abnormal phobic disorder.
Michael experiences anxiety that is independent of any particular situation. He worries excessively about school, money, and his family. He always feels tense. Michael could best be characterized as having ______________ disorder.
B)generalized anxiety
C)obsessive compulsive
In order to complete the graduation requirements, Jacob will need to take a public speaking class. Jacob is so afraid of public scrutiny that he would rather not graduate than take the public speaking class. Jacob could best be characterized as having
A)a social phobia.
C)a specific phobia.
D)generalized anxiety disorder.
Rachel was at the grocery store when she suddenly felt an intense feeling of anxiety come over her. She experienced an increase in heart rate, broke out into a cold sweat, and felt like she was going crazy. Rachel most likely experienced
A)generalized anxiety disorder.
B)a heart attack.
C)a panic attack.
D)a social phobia.
_____________ are repetitive behaviors individuals feel they must perform in response to _______________.
A)Obsessions; compulsions
B)Compulsions; obsessions
C)Obsessions; anxiety
D)Compulsions; delusions
Joshua was a soldier in the Gulf War. He witnessed terrible atrocities done to his comrades. A few years later he experienced anxiety and "flashbacks" of the war. Joshua most likely suffered from
A)posttraumatic stress disorder.
B)generalized anxiety disorder.
D)panic disorder.
Melissa thinks her arm is paralyzed and she can't move it when requested to by the doctor. The doctor has run neurological tests and found nothing medically wrong with Melissa. Melissa is suffering from which disorder?
A)dissociative disorder
B)somatoform disorder
C)phobic disorder
D)panic disorder
_____________ is characterized as two or more separate personalities existing in the same person.
A)Psychogenic fugue
B)Psychogenic amnesia
D)Dissociative identity disorder
For the past several months, Danielle has been feeling very sad. She has lost interest in activities she once found enjoyable, has been sleeping a lot, and has lost weight. Danielle is most likely experiencing
A)generalized anxiety disorder.
B)a somatoform disorder.
C)major depression.
D)posttraumatic stress disorder.
Kara's moods swing from a severe high with quick speech and extreme euphoria to a severe low with depression and feelings of worthlessness. Kara is most likely suffering from
A)learned helplessness.
B)major depression.
C)bipolar disorder.
Linda believes that her dentist has implanted a microchip into her tooth that transmits her thoughts to a government agency. Linda is experiencing a(n)
C)negative symptom of schizophrenia.
D)blunted affect.
Delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech are
A)negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
B)usually present in those with bipolar disorder.
C)neutral symptoms of schizophrenia.
D)positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
Which of the following classification systems do psychologists rely on when diagnosing a psychological disorder?
A)The Psychologist's Desk Reference
B)The Handbook of Psychological Disorders
C)The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
D)The Standardized Manual of Psychological Disorders
Which of the following statements concerning the term "insanity" is true?
A)It refers to the state of mind of the defendant while on the witness stand.
B)It is a plea that is commonly entered.
C)It is a term psychologists use to diagnose a psychological disorder.
D)It refers to the state of mind of the defendant at the time a crime was committed.

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