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Chapter Objectives
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What forms does psychotherapy take?

What therapeutic methods are used to change the self-concept?

What therapies focus specifically on changing dysfunctional thought patterns that underlie disorders?

How are the laws of learning applied to change maladaptive behaviors? Which directions are the current "third-wave" behavior therapies moving in?

How are principles of therapy applied to families and groups?

How do cultural and gender issues affect access to and issues dealt with in therapy?

How are biological approaches, including drugs and psychosurgery, applied to the treatment of behavior disorders? Are such methods safe and effective?

How do psychologists determine how effective various treatments are? What standards underlie good research? How do client, therapist, and technique variables affect treatment outcome?

What can be done to treat and prevent psychological disorders in the community? What are the barriers to successful community and prevention approaches?

Passer: PsychologyOnline Learning Center

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