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Study Questions
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  1. Describe three key scientific attitudes and how they guided Darley and Latané's response to the Genovese murder.

  2. Use Darley and Latané's research or another study to illustrate five major steps in the scientific process.

  3. Explain the major drawback of hindsight understanding. What approach to understanding do scientists prefer? Why?

  4. Describe some characteristics of a good theory.

  5. Why are operational definitions important? Identify five major ways to measure behavior and explain a limitation of each one.

  6. Identify major ethical principles and standards in human and animal research.

  7. Discuss three types of descriptive research, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  8. What is random sampling and why do survey researchers use it? What problems can occur when conducting surveys?

  9. Describe three components of correlational research and how they are illustrated by the study of very happy people.

  10. Explain why scientists cannot draw causal conclusions from correlational research. Discuss an example.

  11. Explain positive and negative correlation coefficients and scatterplots. How does correlation facilitate prediction?

  12. What is the major advantage of experiments? Identify the key characteristics and logic of experiments.

  13. What are independent and dependent variables? Experimental and control groups?

  14. How and why are random assignment and counterbalancing used to design experiments?

  15. Explain the advantage of manipulating two independent variables in the same experiment.

  16. What is internal validity? Why does the confounding of variables decrease internal validity?

  17. What are placebo effects and experimenter expectancy effects? How can they be minimized?

  18. What is external validity? Why is replication important? Apply these concepts to paranormal claims.

  19. What are some things you can do to be a critical consumer of statistics?

  20. Describe three measures of central tendency and two measures of variability.

  21. What is the purpose of inferential statistics? What is statistical significance?

  22. Describe the purpose of meta–analysis.

  23. What critical thinking questions can be used to evaluate claims made in everyday life?

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