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Study Questions
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  1. What are some adaptive functions of language?

  2. Describe five key properties of language.

  3. What are the surface structure and deep structure of language?

  4. Describe the language hierarchy.

  5. Provide examples of bottom–up and top–down processing in language use.

  6. Describe and illustrate "pragmatics".

  7. Do sex differences exist in the brain's language processing?

  8. How do biological factors influence language acquisition?

  9. How does social learning influence language acquisition?

  10. How does bilingualism influence other cognitive abilities and native language development?

  11. In bilingualism, do the languages share a common brain network?.

  12. What is "phonological awareness" and why is it important?

  13. How do we recognize printed words?

  14. Describe some misconceptions about dyslexia.

  15. Have apes been able to acquire human language? Discuss the evidence.

  16. What is the linguistic relativity hypothesis?

  17. Describe evidence for and against this hypothesis.

  18. What are propositional, imaginal, and motoric modes of thought?

  19. What are propositions and concepts, and how are they related?

  20. How are prototypes involved in forming concepts?

  21. Distinguish between deductive and inductive reasoning.

  22. How do irrelevant information, belief bias, and framing influence reasoning?.

  23. What are four major steps in problem solving?

  24. Why are problem framing and mental sets important?

  25. What are problem–solving schemas, algorithms, and heuristics?

  26. Describe how heuristics can help and harm decision making: Use means–end analysis, subgoal analysis, the representative heuristic, and availability heuristic as examples.

  27. How are confirmation bias and overconfidence related?

  28. What role do schemas play in knowledge acquisition and expertise?

  29. What are some components of wisdom?

  30. Explain how wisdom and expertise differ.

  31. What is metacognition?

  32. Identify and illustrate two types of metacognition

  33. Describe some ways to enhance metacomprehension.

  34. Why was Shepard and Metlzer's mental rotation study important?

  35. Does research support the view that mental images are perceptual in nature? Explain.

Passer: PsychologyOnline Learning Center

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