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Ellen Tashie Frisina
(See related pages)

"See Spot Run": Teaching My Grandmother to Read


Ellen Tashie Frisina has continued teaching in her adult life; she is now on the staff at Hofstra University. Click on the link below to find out more about her current teaching experiences.

Check out this biography and photo to learn about Ellen Tashie Frisina's own education and achievements, as well as a photo and description of her current work.


Have you ever heard the expression, "It's all Greek to me?" Click here to get a sense of what the Greek alphabet looks and sounds like and how it compares to English.

Frisina describes how, at age 14, her grandmother immigrated to the United States. For a more detailed history of Greek emigration, check out this site.


This brief passage mentions Frisina's involvement in various publications throughout her life.

Below is a link to another essay by Frisina, this time about public relations. Do you think that public relations and teaching require similar skills? Why or why not?

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