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Norman Mailer
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One Idea (Mixing Patterns)


Norman Mailer died on November 10, 2007. The link below will take you to an extensive New York Times obituary that chronicles his life and work, as well as a photo slide show.


The FCC's (Federal Communications Commission) website offers a view of how the US government agency regulates both the content of children's commercials and the amount of time devoted to them on television. How, if at all, do these concerns differ from CARU's?


Norman Mailer's writing extended to film as well as novels and essays. The Internet Movie Database link below lists his credits as a writer, actor, director, producer, and editor in various films and television shows. Do you think his involvement in this medium is at all contradictory with his views on advertising expressed in "One Idea?"

Check out this site for links to the full text of many more letters and essays by Norman Mailer.

Mailer wrote 40 books in his 60 year career as a writer. Below is a comprehensive list and brief descriptions of his works.

Click the following link to read reviews of Mailer's books in The New York Times' online archives. How has public opinion of Mailer changed over the years? (The earliest review is from 1948!)

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